Monday 13th April – Numeracy Tasks
Here is today’s Board Number, please complete in the maths jotter that is in your home learning pack. Remember you do not have to do the extra, this is simply an extra challenge.
Once you have finished, please use a calculator to correct or ask someone at home to correct your work. Remember, you can also use the inverse operation to correct your work too. For example 28472 x 6, once you have the answer, to use the inverse operation to correct, simply carry out a division calculation using your answer divided by 6 (the answer to this division calculation should be 28472).
TASKS – Board Number, Countdown, Sumdog
235487 – 125998
3214.84 + 28.64 + 3.98
95487 x 7
57522/ 6
548751.82- 125487.109
359874.218 + 95842.08 + 264.5
847 x 48
24 x 98 76 x 101 58 x 712 521 x 543
COUNTDOWN – Can you reach the target number? The challenge is to use the numbers available and the four standard operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) to hit the target.
Each number can only be used once but it may not be necessary to use all the numbers.
You can comment on this post and let me know if you manage to reach the target!
TARGET – 752
NUMBERS – 75, 6, 7, 4, 8, 2
Here is the link to the online game if you wish to challenge yourself further!
SUMDOG – Log into Sumdog and take part in the Home Learning Challenge.