Tuesday 14th March Literacy Tasks
TASK 1 – Vocabulary Word of the Day Task. The template is in your home learning pack, PLEASE DO NOT FILL THIS IN (as there is only one of them) but use it as a guide and do the task in the literacy jotter that is in your pack.
In your jotters, you can set it out like this:
WORD: Benevolent
Uplevelled Paragraph:
TASK 2 – Once you have completed Word of the Day, please go to the Wonderopolis website (QR code is on the grid) and choose a wonder of interest. https://wonderopolis.org/
Read the article and then complete the activities on the template that is in your Home Learning Pack. DO NOT FILL IN THE TEMPLATE BUT USE AS A GUIDE.
Layout will look like this in your jotters:
New Vocabulary – what new words did you see? Write them down and then find out the definition.
Summary – Write the most important information from the article.
An Inference – What can you infer from this article?
There is an example on the other side of the template.