Friday 17th April – Numeracy Tasks
Happy Friday Primary 7! Well done for all of your hard work on the home learning this week and thank you to those of you who have commented on posts with some answers 🙂
Here is today’s Board Number, please complete in the maths jotter that is in your home learning pack. Remember you do not have to do the extra, this is simply an extra challenge.
Once you have finished, please use a calculator to correct or ask someone at home to correct your work. Remember, you can also use the inverse operation to correct your work too. For example 28472 x 6, once you have the answer, to use the inverse operation to correct, simply carry out a division calculation using your answer divided by 6 (the answer to this division calculation should be 28472).
TASKS – Board Number and Daily 10
632874– 489679
37894 + 1008.75
28745 x 8
48888 ÷ 7
58469.7 – 32184.301
658423 + 198523.49 + 324.805
185 x 84
77236.08 ÷ 8
EXTRA (Reply with your answers to these by commenting on this post)
172 x 7 x 8 2052 ÷ 9 ÷ 4 510 x 18 ÷ 12 8 x 697 x 5
TASK 2 – TOPMARKS DAILY 10 – Mental Maths Challenge
Select Level 6 from the first Choose Dropdown Tab
Then select an area from the second Choose Dropdown Tab – Partitioning – then start with up to 0.999 then you can move onto up to 99.99.
- Remember Partitioning is a useful way of breaking numbers up so they are easier to work with. This task involves partitioning decimal numbers using tenths, hundredths and thousandths – they have already been partitioned into Tths, Hdths and Thdths and you have to write down the full number.
- For example, one question may look like this: 0.8 + 0.01 + 0.006 The answer would be 0.816.
Then select the question interval (I would start with 10-15 seconds and reduce it if you wish to challenge yourself) and be ready with paper and pencil. The answers will be shown at the end.
Once you have used this for revising partitioning, you can select other areas to revise and test yourselves! Good Luck!