Literacy Open Morning.

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Thank you to those who could make the literacy morning.


P6 took part in stations.  The first station was accessing first news via the laptops.  This allows children to read up on day to day news and take part in comprehension.  The second station was up levelling sentences.  This is an ongoing part of p6 literacy where we try to add more detail into our sentences.  Station 3 was to create and design a propaganda poster as we have explored this during literacy slots – looking at ways propaganda influenced and persuaded people during WW2.  The last station was a ‘Goodnight Mister Tom’ word search which allowed the class to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of the audiobook so far.  Well done p6!

WW2 Talk by Mrs Fisher.

Mrs Fisher kindly visited Primary 6 to share her story about growing up in London during WW2.   She shared stories about evacuation, rationing, school and  living in an air raid shelter.  P6 were completely engrossed by everything she had to share.  This was an amazing opportunity and p6 are very grateful.

Growth Mindset – Spaghetti Tower.


As part of a growth mindset challenge, p6 created a spaghetti tower using only marshmallows to keep it together.  The point of this activity was to be challenged but to move away from having a fixed mindset, for example, “I CAN’T do it.”   Followed by this challenge we all completed a growth mindset questionnaire to see what kind of mindset we have as individuals.  We are going to continue working on growth mindset and monitoring our mindsets to see if they change.

Pictured below are some famous people who have used a growth mindset.

Designing and Creating Air Raid shelters.

In their cooperative learning groups, P6 designed and created an air raid shelter.  They used a vast amount of materials which required them to think carefully about the materials they used.  They planned, constructed and then tested their shelters followed by an evaluation.  Primary 6 tested their shelters by dropping water balloons onto them.  They looked at whether their shelter could sustain the weight and keep waterproof.  6 out of 7 shelters survived!! An excellent result.  Well done p6!