Primary 6 Fraction Drawing

We have been demonstrating our understanding of fractions, by ‘drawing them’. This is a great activity to do with parents at home, and it really reveals a lot of understanding. It is important to not get bogged down with textbook work all the time🤦‍♂️🤷‍♀️  and to take our learning to a practical setting 🤗 Here we are given a chance to demonstrate our learning, allowing us the opportunity to verbalise our thought processes and deepen our conceptual understanding of our work ✅

Primary 6 Interland

Primary 6’s topic on Internet safety has come on in leaps and bounds! Now that we are aware of how to keep ourselves safe online, we are looking into what advice we can give the adults in our lives, on how to do the same!


We have been exploring the Interland and the many lessons it teaches us, including; how to detect fake or unreliable accounts and websites; how to behave kindly online; how to block bullies; and how to keep your online accounts safe from hackers and other potential threats.


We have found this to be such a helpful and informative resource, and the good news is, it is available at home too!


Here is a link to Interland 🙂 Happy exploring!

Primary 6 Digital Literacy

In today’s increasingly digital world, it’s more important than ever that our young people are able to understand and feel in control of their online rights. But more often than not, they’re not even aware that they even have any! With ‘Safer Internet Day’ coming up on the 5th February, we thought it would be helpful to share some information with our people at home on how young people can stay safe online!


Primary 6 Literacy

This week we have been working on our ability to self-assess, draft and redraft our literacy work. We wrote about our Christmas holidays for Miss Nimmo, and she did the same for us. We took her piece of work and corrected it, establishing her mistakes and changing them. We will then do the same for our own copies of work tomorrow! 

Primary 6 Numeracy

Happy New Year from a motivated P6! We have all come back from the holidays, fresh for a new term, and new learning. We have been waking our brains up this week, with a mixture of mental maths games, from ‘Around the world’, to ‘Counting Choirs’, to using the ‘Counting Stick’. We did so well, and Miss Nimmo was so impressed! 

Primary 6 Science Trip

This Tuesday we were lucky enough to have a trip to the Dundee Science Centre! We have been learning all about the differences between a chemical change/reaction and a physical change. Physical changes tend to be reversible, whilst chemical changes…

  1. Create something new
  2. Produce Heat/light/sound
  3. Change colour
  4. Release a smell
  5. Produce bubbles or fizz
  6. Are hard to reverse


We were given the chance to learn about other forms of science too! We have been looking into chemistry, but Sensation gave us the chance to explore biology and physics too. We were very grateful to be shown round and accompanied by such kind and knowledgeable scientists.


What a great way to end the term 🙂

Merry Christmas from Primary 6!


Primary 6 Art

Three shows in two days is really exhausting!

After a morning of working hard in Maths, Miss Nimmo said we needed to give our brains a little bit of a break! So this afternoon, we got into the festive spirit and made decorations for our own P6 Christmas tree.

We discussed all of the different meanings Christmas has for us and our own family’s traditions at this time of year, whilst of course – listening to Christmas music! 

Primary 6 Maths

This week’s maths task, allowed us to use our knowledge and skills in a practical setting! We were given the chance to design the layout of our learning space, measuring the area and volume of objects in the class, and creating a scaled down 2D model, that we could manipulate and shape into the layout that we liked. We then voted on whichever model we liked the most and changed the layout of the class accordingly! 

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