Primary 6 Reading for Pleasure

We have been very lucky in P6, and have been given some brand new reading books for our O.T.T.E.R. (Own Time To Enjoy Reading) area. We have also been given access to newspapers which come with their very own interactive website called First News iHub, which we can log onto at home! On top of this, we have been spoilt with a load of new comfy cushion and bean bags so we can sit back and relax when reading! 🙂 We are so grateful and can’t wait for more reading opportunities!


Primary 6 Mile Walk

This week on our mile walk, we were joined by the little P1s! We had a lot of fun getting to know them and were so impressed at how fast they can run!


We have been working hard to improve out fitness, and as a way of motivating ourselves, we are timing how quickly we can run our mile journey around the school. Miss Nimmo will time us so we know what we are aiming to beat next time!Â