Learning About Square Numbers, Triangular Numbers and Fibonacci Sequence

In Numeracy this term, we have focused on Place Value of numbers to one million.  P5/6 were taught how to partition BIG numbers and how to explain the value of each digit.  We learned how to round numbers to the nearest 10, 100 and 1000.

We learned that often numeracy involves patterns or relationships.  P5/6 discovered that Pythagoras was a Greek mathematician who lived before the birth of Christ.  He and His followers believed that the whole universe could be explained by numbers.  They experimented with them and became fascinated by the geometrical shapes that they could make using numbers of pebbles or dots drawn in the sand.  They called these square number and triangular numbers and found interesting relationships between them.

P5/6 used counters as manipulatives to allow them to physically make these square and triangular numbers to allow them to deepen their understanding.  They recorded their findings.

Please take a look at some of the images of P5/6 working with counters below.

Look at our triangular numbers!


Look at our square numbers!
Using counters to understand Square and Triangular numbers


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