P5 – Literacy

I have uploaded chapter 3 of Harry Potter on Teams!

Have a look as I will put questions up about this tomorrow!

Then I would like you to complete some activities on First News ihub!

Lots of new ones have been added! The weekly newspaper is uploaded on Teams too so you can keep updated!

P5 – Maths!

Today, I would complete another two sheets for your times tables! I have also set up a times table challenge for you on SUMDOG! I can use that to set up work for next week!

If you click on this link, there are worksheets for every times table!

If it was me, I would be doing 2 sheets for 2 different times tables.

So, if I needed to work on 4 and 7 times table then I would do a sheet for each of those!

Remember, we find out the tricky parts, make mistakes, try hard and improve! That is the most important thing, mistakes are okay! I would rather mistakes because you are trying that 100% correct but it’s too easy!


P5 – Maths

We have been working on our times tables for the past two weeks.

You should now know which ones you have nailed and which you still need to work on!

If you click on this link, there are worksheets for every times table!

If it was me, I would be doing 2 sheets for 2 different times tables.

So, if I needed to work on 4 and 7 times table then I would do a sheet for each of those!

Remember, we find out the tricky parts, make mistakes, try hard and improve! That is the most important thing, mistakes are okay! I would rather mistakes because you are trying that 100% correct but it’s too easy!


P5 – Literacy

Today I shall record and upload Chapter 3 of Harry Potter – keep your eyes peeled! (It will be this afternoon!)

Today I would like you to complete the task you decided not to do yesterday! Here is a reminder:

I have two tasks you can choose from today!

1, Create a superhero of your choice.  What superpower will they have? Write a story using this hero as your main character! Remember a plan will help!


2, Not all heroes where capes! Can you think of someone who is a hero to you? For example my Grandad is one of my heroes, The NHS are heroes!  Write a thank you letter to this hero and explain what makes them a hero!

P5 – Wednesday!

Good Morning you lot!

I hope we are all good!

Today as always we have Joe Wicks and Cosmic Yoga on Youtube (Check the links from yesterday!)

Today is International Dance Day!

Here is a little upbeat dance to start us off! One part goes a bit crazy with four people, freestyle your own socially distanced part at that point!


Mr W

P5 – Last Week Challenge Montage!

Well done Ethan, Asim and Daria!

You have really set the bar for this week!

Fantastic effort!

To be in next week’s remember to email me your video by 3:15 on Friday!