P5 – Inclusion

This term in Health and Wellbeing we are looking at the Wellbeing Wheel.  These are areas which we need to be developing in order to be happy, healthy and successful now and in the future!

This week we looked at Inclusion.

We watched an animation all about someone who didn’t feel included but grew to learn that he was a valued member of a team!  We discussed how we are all valued and included in our class and our school.

We did a Think, Pair, Share activity which allowed us to discuss what signs show someone might be lonely and feel like they are on their own and how we can do something about this!  We discussed different ways which we could include everyone in our class and our school throughout the day!


We found this video very interesting at showing how someone can be lonely but still be so kind to everyone.  We looked at how this kindness can make someone feel.  We then looked at how they included Justino and how we can ensure that we can include everyone in our school!

P5 – Similes

This week we have been exploring similes.  We started by learning what these were and why these might be used in our writing.

We then tried making our own using pictures as a stimulus before finally moving onto creating our own!

Today and tomorrow we are going to write a festive story which will include similes, alliteration and onomatopoeia which we have learned so far this term!

Maybe we can explain to you what these are and how they can make our writing even better!

P5 – Throwing and Catching

This week in gym with Mr White we continued working on throwing and catching.

We discussed why we might use different types of throws and the difference between them.

We then put this into a game where we had to choose which throw was best to use and why!  Next we are going to focus on catching!

P5 – Day of the Dead

We were learning about Day of the Dead in IDL.  We explored what that is, why and how this is celebrated and how this culture looks at death differently to us.

We looked at how their beliefs and traditions are different to ours but also spotted some similarities to our own beliefs and what we see in Church!

We then decorated a traditional Skull decoration with the colours and patterns which are important to the Day of the Dead festival!

P5 – Remembrance Day

We have been learning about Remembrance Day.  We explored what this was all about and why we use the poppy to symbolise this.  We talked about this and explored the poem “In Flanders Field.”

Once we learned about this we created our own poppies which we have displayed on our wall.

P5 – The Christmasaurus

We have started reading The Christmasaurus by Tom Fletcher in Literacy and Health and Wellbeing.

We are exploring our main characters in the book to look at differences and accepting others!

We have also looked at how the author uses figurative language already in the book.  this has led us to explore alliteration and onomatopoeia.  We created our own business with a catchy name and wrote a story using our business as a stimulus.

We are all really looking forward to see what happens next to William in our story and what techniques we find next!

P5 – Maths

We have been working on multiplication in P5.  We have been learning different strategies we could use which would help us with this!  We have played games, made video tutorials, taught each other and taught the class!

We are moving on to do this with word problems.  We are ensuring that we are setting ourselves realistic challenges to ensure that our brain is working but we are making progressive steps in our learning!

P5 – Bonfire Night

Yesterday we were looking at Bonfire Night!

In Literacy we read about Bonfire Night and were answering questions about this.  This helped us to work on selecting key information from texts!

In IDL we researched more into where this Event comes from, why we celebrate this and how we do this!

In Health and Wellbeing we looked at how we could stay safe at this time of year.  We talked about the staying safe around fireworks, bonfires and sparklers!

Finally we pulled all of these tasks together to create posters which were bright, colourful and informative about how we could stay safe at this time of the year!

P5 – Dance Group!

Yesterday we started our afternoon with those who go to Dance at lunchtime showing us their routine!

They were amazing and showed us just how hard they had been working over the last few weeks to get their performance as good as it could be!

Well done all!