Tag Archives: teamwork

Primary 4 -outdoor multiplication fun

Today we took our numeracy outside. We had a race in teams to gather sticks, stones and pine cones, gave each item a value and then had to calculate what each individual collection was worth by writing a multiplication sentence. Working with a partner we then used dice to give us multiples and had to collect everything we needed to display the product in an array. In P4 we love to apply our skills in all sorts of different ways and what a great way to enjoy a beautiful sunny day and learn at the same time!

Primary 4- sharing learning

Jacob shared the pyramid he made at home from LEGO and Michael,Lennox, Logan and Dylan shared their LEGO pyramid too. Dylan explained some of the features that would make it trick to break into and Lennox added his own Egyptian dance!

Andrasta has been writing her own book and we enjoyed hearing the adventures of The Three Unicorns. We look forward to the next part of the story Andrasta!