Today we took our numeracy outside. We had a race in teams to gather sticks, stones and pine cones, gave each item a value and then had to calculate what each individual collection was worth by writing a multiplication sentence. Working with a partner we then used dice to give us multiples and had to collect everything we needed to display the product in an array. In P4 we love to apply our skills in all sorts of different ways and what a great way to enjoy a beautiful sunny day and learn at the same time!
Category Archives: Skill application
primary 4 – multiplication and division extravaganza!
We had an afternoon of fun practical numeracy activities. We created an amazing multiplication array village. We pretended the Kapla were hot sausage rolls and the bakers had to share them evenly between plates – knowing our tables was a real help with this. We then wrote fact family number sentences and took photos to evidence this for the Bakery Boss (Mrs O) We played some great times table games using playing cards, counters, egg boxes, plastic cups, counters and fingers! Ask us to show you/tell you at home what they were all about!
Primary 4 – Problem solving extravaganza!
This week in Numeracy we worked with the Numicon rods in a train challenge. First of all we had to work out what the rods added up to. Then we had to build as many trains as we could that added to the same value, while only using a colour once in each train. There were many skills in use; investigating, experimenting, predicting, explaining, discussing, comparing, solving and calculating!
Primary 4- Egyptian Adventures ahead!
We were amazed to read the news headlines on the screen telling us we were going on an Egyptian adventure!We have started to plan out a great story that may lead us into all sorts of dangers and excitement! We have used many different skills for our story building. We have needed to plan and describe our setting, our characters, the problems we may meet and how we solve them. We need to research online and through texts to get useful facts that we can weave into our story. We need to remember the importance of vocabulary, connectives, openers and punctuation in a great piece of writing. We look forward to sharing all this with you!
P4 Time work
This week we have focussed on telling the time in 5 minute increments and single minutes and also calculating minutes to the hour. We have linked this to digital clocks. We have worked in cooperative groups in setting challenges for a partner, playing time bingo and other board games and using Topmarks maths time games.