Category Archives: literacy

Primary 4 – Thurs 23rd April Literacy

Today I’d like to see as many people as possible trying out the spelling activity on Sumdog. 6 people have given it a go and 3 of them have completed their challenge. Well done Blaike, Teya and Liam H so far!

RWI people, remember to check in with your daily lesson on YouTube. Get Spelling children try a bit more of your unit and today or tomorrow get someone to give you a spelling test! Any mistakes, write them out 3 times to make them stick!

Check back over the week’s work to see if there is anything else you could have a go at. I’m looking forward to seeing any castle drawings and fact-files you want to send me.

Remember Oxford Owl has lots of resources that will help you with reading and writing. Lots of audio books or books to read if you are running low as well as grammar, spelling and vocabulary activities.



Primary 4- Our stories are nearly complete!

We will be so excited to share our finished stories with you at parents’ night! We had planned the middle of our stories out with a comic strip, so we could really focus on the action and this week we used this to really get into our adventure. We shared our stories with a partner and gave and received feedback. We have also designed a front cover for our final copy.

primary 4 – continuing our story adventure…

This week we got into groups to share and feedback on the beginning of our second draft story starts. We really saw an improvement in the use of powerful vocabulary, simile, metaphor and adjectives. Next we worked on what happened next in comic form, focussing on following on from where we left off and getting the exciting developments clear in our mind for the writing process. We then shared the middle of our story with our literacy partner. We are now ready to dive into the action, danger and excitement!

Primary 4- Egyptian Adventures ahead!

We were amazed to read the news headlines on the screen telling us we were going on an Egyptian adventure!We have started to plan out a great story that may lead us into all sorts of dangers and excitement! We have used many different skills for our story building. We have needed to plan and describe our setting, our characters, the problems we may meet and how we solve them. We need to research online and through texts to get useful facts that we can weave into our story. We need to remember the importance of vocabulary, connectives, openers and punctuation in a great piece of writing. We look forward to sharing all this with you!

Primary 4- sharing learning

Jacob shared the pyramid he made at home from LEGO and Michael,Lennox, Logan and Dylan shared their LEGO pyramid too. Dylan explained some of the features that would make it trick to break into and Lennox added his own Egyptian dance!

Andrasta has been writing her own book and we enjoyed hearing the adventures of The Three Unicorns. We look forward to the next part of the story Andrasta!

P4 – talking and listening

The children have created a plan of a St Ninian’s of the future with as much detail as possible. Now its time to share our designs with the rest of the class in a short talk. To be successful they have to
– speak clearly and so others can hear
– keep the listener interested with tone of voice, use of words and resources
– listen well to others questions and answer them appropriately
The children will be offered feedback from the teacher and a peer. They will also assess their own performance. Here are a few photos of children who have already performed their talk.