Category Archives: feedback

primary 4 – continuing our story adventure…

This week we got into groups to share and feedback on the beginning of our second draft story starts. We really saw an improvement in the use of powerful vocabulary, simile, metaphor and adjectives. Next we worked on what happened next in comic form, focussing on following on from where we left off and getting the exciting developments clear in our mind for the writing process. We then shared the middle of our story with our literacy partner. We are now ready to dive into the action, danger and excitement!

P4 reflections on learning

We use our feedback wall to share our thoughts and feelings on our learning. We discuss what we have learned, what we were successful in, what we found challenging and where we want our learning to take us next. This encourages us to reflect on our development and progress and helps us keep our targets in mind. Here in P4 we value mistakes as valuable steps in learning and this means we can be open and honest with each other. We are also learning to peer assess positively, critiquing our friends in a supportive and challenging way.