primary 4 – Literacy activities week beginning June 15th

Good morning primary 4! I hope you are all ok! As usual I’ve given you a list of activities that you can have a go at. Remember there is no expectation that you do it all .

This week I’d like Get Spelling children to continue with their Red or Blue booklet. Select 10 words to be your spelling focus and practice them in any way you like. Choose 5 words and create 5 Super Sentences using VCOP to show you know how to use the word correctly. At the end of the week get someone to give you a spelling check.

RWI children do the same with your Red Words and remember your daily lesson on YouTube.

Get Spelling Children – try the next reading comprehension below, called Meeting the Dragon.

This week I’d like you to do a reading challenge for a book or story that you have read over the past few months. Here are a few ideas. Remember that I need to know the title of your story and the author name. How about designing a new front cover?

  1. Pick a character and tell me all about them; their personality, their feelings, appearance, the reason for their actions.
  2. Write a different ending.
  3. Write a short description of the story so that someone who has never read it learns the storyline.
  4. Review your story- did you enjoy it? Why? Why not?

If you need some reading inspiration, click the link to get access to e-books. An adult will need to register on the site.

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