Primary 4 – Monday 11th May Numeracy – cubes and cylinders

Cubes and Cylinders – I’d like you do these word problems as chimney calculations. Discuss with someone what type of calculation you are going to do and why? What clues are in the words? Watch out! Some are 2 step calculations!

A train is on a journey of 700km. It has got 285km to go. How far has it already travelled?

462 children are at a concert. There are 379 more adults than children. How many adults are at the concert?

At the end of a football match there are 582 people still watching. At the start of the match there were 748. How many people went home during the match?

A farmer has 245 sheep. He sold some at the market and now he has 182. How many sheep did he sell?

On Saturday 320 people visited the sports centre. On Sunday there were 208 more visitors than the Saturday. How many people visited the sports centre over the weekend?

Finlay is 122cm tall. Isla is 5cm taller than Nuria and Nuria is 13cm shorter than Finlay. How tall are Isla and Nuria?

You also have 2 Sumdog challenges that you can have a go at.


7 thoughts on “Primary 4 – Monday 11th May Numeracy – cubes and cylinders”

  1. 1. A train is on a journey of 700 km. It has got 285 km to go. How far has it already travelled? 700-285=415 km 🙂 .

    2. 462 children are at a concert. There are 379 more adults than children. How many adults are at the concert? 462-379=83 adults:).

    3. At the end of a football match there are 582 people still watching. At the start of the match there were 748. How many people went home during the match? 748-582=166.:)

    4. A farmer has 245 sheep. He sold some at the market and now he has 182. How many sheep did he sell? 245-182=63 sheep’s.:)

    5. On Saturday 320 people visited the sports centre. On Sunday there were 208 more visitors than the Saturday. How many people visited the sports centre over the weekend?
    320-208=112 people.:)

    6.Finlay is 122 cm tall. Isla is 5 cm taller than Nuria and Nuria is 13 cm shorter than Finlay. How tall are Isla and Nuria? 13cm+5=18.:)

    1. Hi Teya – Thanks for posting. Have a look at number 2, number 5 and number 6 again. Remember the importance of working out the language of the problem and look over your answers to see if they make sense. Well done for the ones you got correct and for having a go. If you have any questions, just ask. I’m writing reports today so may not be able to get back to you until later. Have a good day. Mrs O

  2. Train travelled 585km
    83 adults
    166 went home
    63 sheep sold
    528 over weekend
    Nuria is 109cm
    Isla is 114cm

    Is this correct mrs o xx Ava ❤️

    1. Hi Ava – thanks for posting. Look again at the train question, the one about the concert and the one about the sports centre and see if you can have a go at them again. The language is very important, not just the numbers. Read carefully and see how you get on. Well done on the football, sheep and the height question. Any questions just ask. I’m writing reports this week so may not be able to reply until later on. Have a good day x Mrs O x

  3. New train answer is 700-285=415
    New concert answer is 462-379=83
    New sports answer is 320+320+208=848.

    Ava xxx

  4. New train answer is 700-285=415
    New concert answer is 462-379=83
    New sports answer is 320+320+208=848.

    Ava xxx

    1. Well done. The answer to the concert question is 462 plus 369 as there are 369 MORE adults than children. So that makes 831 adults. Thanks for posting!

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