Primary 4 – Monday 26th April

Today there is a new Sumdog skills challenge beginning and it runs until Friday at 4pm.

There is also a spelling challenge running until Friday at 4pm for all literacy groups.

Get Spelling children should continue with wherever they left off in their spelling workbook. Try to do a unit a week if you can.

RWI children should tune into YouTube for their daily lesson. Scroll down for the link.

As we are doing a mini topic about Dundee, why not have a look this week at the V&A’s design challenge. The first challenge is on the website but every Wednesday a new challenge is announced through calling a freephone number. The details are on the link.

In numeracy,try Hit the Button to test your times table knowledge. Its a game of speed. We really enjoyed playing this in class!

Cubes and cylinders – Try this 2 step problem.  Remember the importance of showing your working as you go,

P4 are raising money for charity. Their sponsored spell raises £346 and the cake and candy raises £138. How much more money do they still have to make to reach their target of £650?

Pyramids- Think boards. Draw a picture, create a bar model (part, part, whole) and write a number sentence for these problems. The picture helps us represent and solve the problem! I’ve put an example in a photo.

There are 18 cups and 11 saucers. How many cups won’t have a saucer?

There are 15 children in the gym. Miss Burke gives each child a ball and has 5 balls left over. How many balls are there?



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