Primary 4 – Get Spelling week beginning 20thApril

This week continue with another unit of your workbook. Some of the words may appear in the Sumdog Spelling Challenge. Choose 4 words from your unit to use in 4 sentences and try to use VCOP to make them interesting. You could also use the Active Spelling method to practise some or all of the words you have selected to learn from your unit or the irregular words list.

Write a word in one colour. Trace over it in lots of different colours to make a rainbow word.
Make a word search with your words. List them underneath.
Play charades with your words. When someone has guessed the word, spell it.
Write your words in colourful bubble writing.
Write your spelling words forwards and then backwards and then spell them out loud forwards.
Make a square of 4 rows of dots with 4 dots in each row. Before taking a turn, the player must spell a spelling word. If the word is correct, he/ she connects two dots. When a player forms a square, he can write his/her initials in the box. Player with most squares at the end wins.
Draw and colour a picture then hide your words inside the picture. Let someone try to find your words and check if you wrote them with the right spelling.
Write each word in your list in a pyramid. The first letter in the word should be at the top, the next two below then three underneath that and so on.
Write your words in a list and the rewrite them in ABC order.
Write all your words out and then trace over the vowels in each word in colour.
Write out all your words in normal writing, and then write them all out in squiggly writing.
Write your words with a finger in the air for a parent to guess the word you have written.
Write your words one at a time with your finger on your mum or dad’s back. They should then try to guess the word you wrote.
Write the entire list end to end as one long word with each word in a different colour.
Draw a hopscotch board outside on the ground with chalk. Put in letters instead of the numbers and hop your words as you spell them out.
Cut the letters for each of your words from an old newspaper or magazine and stick them down on a sheet of paper with glue.
Draw a picture of a great big flower with lots of petals. Write each of your words in colour on the petals. Add more petals if you need to.
Type your words on the computer on a Word document then change each word to a different size and font.
Make your words with Plasticene or play dough.


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