Primary 4 Friday 29th May

Today is going to be a lovely day. I’d like you to get outdoors safely and enjoy the sun. Maybe you could take a walk up to the school and leave a message on the railings for the school community to see. You could write/draw what you miss but most importantly what you are looking forward to when we are together again.

Maybe you would like to write me a wee message on the blog to tell me some fun things you have been up to? A few people have even emailed me and I love hearing from you because I miss you so much! Its also a great way of practising your ICT skills…. logging in to Glow, accessing your email, writing and sending a message… all great skills!

Have a look at the work from the past few weeks and see if there is anything you could do. I’d love to read a story or see your maths work.

Have a lovely day and a great weekend. I’m in the hub next week but you can still get in touch.

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