Primary 4 – Thursday 14th May Numeracy all groups


Use the class clock on Topmarks maths to convert these digital times into analogue times.

11:30             9:15              4:00             2:45

Then do the same with these examples.

10.23             12.47           8.03              7: 36

Ask someone at home to show you an analogue time (clock with hands) and using the teaching clock show them it on a digital clock. If you want to extend yourself use 24 hour clock. 24 hour clock is how we tell the difference between 6 o’clock in the morning and 6 o’clock in the evening. Parents, here is a link to a great website that has lots of helpful hints and activities for helping with all sorts of subjects, including time.

This YouTube video isn’t very exciting but its a maths teacher explaining very clearly how to calculate 24 hour time, if you need a reminder! Remember to ask if its ok to go on YouTube.

Ante meridiem or a.m. is the time before midday

Post meridiem or p.m. is the time after midday

For the following activities, indicate whether they would usually be a.m or p.m or both.

a)having breakfast                                b) eating your tea

c) getting dressed for school           d) going to bed

e) brushing your teeth

Try this game which has different skill levels to choose from.


4 thoughts on “Primary 4 – Thursday 14th May Numeracy all groups”

  1. a)having breakfast:A.M
    b)eating your tea:P.M
    c)getting dressed for school:A.M
    d) going to bed:P.M
    e)brushing your teeth:A.M/P.M:)
    Because I brush my teeth in the morning and night!!

    love from Teya:)xxx

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