Primary 4 Tuesday 28th April


Get spelling children – use some of your words from this week’s unit in some Active Spelling activities like pyramid writing, rainbow writing, bubble writing etc.

Then try this spelling game.

RWI children – tune into YouTube for your daily lesson.  Then do this proof read in your jotter.

i  lik to go on the swings in the parc


cubes and cylinders – Try this word problem.

Finlay and Jane are seeing who can bounce the ball the most times. Finlay manages 148 bounces. Jane manages 396 bounces!  How many more bounces did Jane manage? Jane is aiming for 500 bounces. How many more does she need?

pyramids – lets practise yesterday’s think boards again with these problems,

Isla has 19 straws and some bottles. She puts one straw in each bottle and has 3 straws left. How many bottles does Isla have?

Jess has 25 red beads and 18 blue beads. How many more red beads does she have?

Sumdog – remember there is  a numeracy and spelling challenge on Sumdog if you want to take part.



6 thoughts on “Primary 4 Tuesday 28th April”

  1. Jane has 248 more bounces and she needs to do 104 more bounces.

    Island has 16 bottles.

    Jess has 7 more red beads.

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