Hello From Mrs O

Hi there everybody. I hope everyone is doing ok, staying home and staying safe. Hopefully you’ve had some chance to get outside for a wee walk everyday in the lovely sunshine. This week I am working at the Tayview Community Hub. It seems very strange to drive past Dochart Terrace and go to a new school! Its all been very new and different but life is all about rising to a new challenge, so that is what I’m doing!

As I am in the hub all week I won’t be posting very much on the blog. I have put up a new Sumdog challenge for spelling for the Get Spelling groups and the RWI groups and a maths challenge for all. The children using the red spelling practice book should do the next unit in their workbook this week and so should the children with the blue practice book. The RWI children should practise their red words on their red word sheet. Remember to read, read, read! Books, Kindle apps, online resources – it’s up to you! Why not register on the oxford owl for home website where there are lots of books to read and audio books to listen to.

Keep up to speed with your times tables and choose some of the literacy and numeracy tasks in your folder to complete.

I miss you all very much.

Mrs O

4 thoughts on “Hello From Mrs O”

    1. Hi Charlotte! How lovely of you to reply! Made me smile! I miss school too and all our normal things we used to enjoy. I hope you are doing ok. My girls are a bit fed up now but we are getting out with the dog everyday for a walk in the country and eating too many easter eggs! Lets hope we will all be together soon x

  1. Hi Mrs O, this is the first time logging into my glow account, hope your well, I’m missing school and everyone in it. I’ve been busy baking cakes and doing exercise in my spare time. I hope your having gun at Tayview.

    1. Hi Andrasta! Lovely to hear from you. I am missing school too and all my lovely P4s. I have enjoyed watching your fitness video and seeing some of the things you have been up to that mum has posted on Twitter. I have had a busy week at Tayview but it wasn’t as much fun as us all being together. It was nice though to be out of the house and doing something to help. I’m sure you and Emma are being lots of help to your lovely mummy. Remember that I am proud of all you have achieved and when we get back to school you will continue to make us all proud. Love you lots Mrs O x

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