Primary 4 – Thursday 30th April

Numeracy – all groups. Click the link. Choose a times table sheet to challenge yourself with. You don’t need a printer, just do the work in your jotter or on a piece of paper.



Make sure you are up to date with your Get Spelling unit and all the literacy activities you have been set.

RWI children, do your daily lesson on YouTube and/or practise your speed sounds and words from your folder

Have you had a go at Sumdog spelling?

Go to the webpage of a well known local tourist attraction Read the information and create a leaflet or a poster to advertise the attraction. You’ll need to include location, what people can see there, how much it costs. Maybe you could redesign the logo or create a mascot Use your imagination!


Catch up with yesterday’s astronaut chat and then learn about the International Space Station.

Primary 4 – Wednesday 29th April

Get Spelling – Use 5 of your spelling words in 5 super sentences. Don’t forget VCOP!

RWI – tune in to your daily lesson on YouTube

I’d like everyone who hasn’t had a go at their Sumdog spelling to give it a go if they can! Anyone who wants to do their castle drawing and sent it to me with a factfile can do that too if they want. Thank you Teya for your lovely picture and information.

Numeracy – Do a Daily 10 on Topmarks .

Practise saying your tables while doing an exercise like jogging on the spot, bouncing a ball, doing squats – get mind and body working together!

Have a go at your Sumdog challenge.


This week is Space Week with Dundee Science Centre. Click the link for some really interesting activities from Monday and Tuesday.

Today you can see a real NASA astronaut and hear him talk about his missions.

Primary 4 Tuesday 28th April


Get spelling children – use some of your words from this week’s unit in some Active Spelling activities like pyramid writing, rainbow writing, bubble writing etc.

Then try this spelling game.

RWI children – tune into YouTube for your daily lesson.  Then do this proof read in your jotter.

i  lik to go on the swings in the parc


cubes and cylinders – Try this word problem.

Finlay and Jane are seeing who can bounce the ball the most times. Finlay manages 148 bounces. Jane manages 396 bounces!  How many more bounces did Jane manage? Jane is aiming for 500 bounces. How many more does she need?

pyramids – lets practise yesterday’s think boards again with these problems,

Isla has 19 straws and some bottles. She puts one straw in each bottle and has 3 straws left. How many bottles does Isla have?

Jess has 25 red beads and 18 blue beads. How many more red beads does she have?

Sumdog – remember there is  a numeracy and spelling challenge on Sumdog if you want to take part.



Primary 4 – Online Dance Classes

Hello Primary 4:)  I hope you are managing to get some form of exercise every day, whether it be a walk or Joe Wickes or something else.  I know that myself and my girls are enjoying our daily walk, especially when the weather has been so good!

If you are looking for some other way to keep fit and have fun Scottish Youth Dance are doing online dance classes and every Monday they upload a package of 4 dance classes to their website for you to do at home. Each weekly package contains:

A YCreate creative dance class for ages 1 – 5 with an adult
A YCreate creative dance class for ages 5 – 9

Just follow this link and choose a dance class:

Have fun! 🙂

Primary 4 – Monday 26th April

Today there is a new Sumdog skills challenge beginning and it runs until Friday at 4pm.

There is also a spelling challenge running until Friday at 4pm for all literacy groups.

Get Spelling children should continue with wherever they left off in their spelling workbook. Try to do a unit a week if you can.

RWI children should tune into YouTube for their daily lesson. Scroll down for the link.

As we are doing a mini topic about Dundee, why not have a look this week at the V&A’s design challenge. The first challenge is on the website but every Wednesday a new challenge is announced through calling a freephone number. The details are on the link.

In numeracy,try Hit the Button to test your times table knowledge. Its a game of speed. We really enjoyed playing this in class!

Cubes and cylinders – Try this 2 step problem.  Remember the importance of showing your working as you go,

P4 are raising money for charity. Their sponsored spell raises £346 and the cake and candy raises £138. How much more money do they still have to make to reach their target of £650?

Pyramids- Think boards. Draw a picture, create a bar model (part, part, whole) and write a number sentence for these problems. The picture helps us represent and solve the problem! I’ve put an example in a photo.

There are 18 cups and 11 saucers. How many cups won’t have a saucer?

There are 15 children in the gym. Miss Burke gives each child a ball and has 5 balls left over. How many balls are there?



Primary 4 – Friday 24th April

Well here we are again at another Friday!

Today you can choose between any of the activities of the week that you haven’t got to yet – scroll through our blog to remind yourself.

Why not use today to ask someone at home to give you a spelling check or a times tables check? Check in with Sumdog if you like, choose a game on Topmarks Maths or

Mrs Brankin found this fun activity to say thank you to our hard working posties. Have a look if you like.

why not go on

and do some research on a subject of your choice? We used this site lots for our work on rainforests and Ancient Egypt. is my daughter’s favourite site. Have a look and learn something new.

Primary 4 – Thurs 23rd April Literacy

Today I’d like to see as many people as possible trying out the spelling activity on Sumdog. 6 people have given it a go and 3 of them have completed their challenge. Well done Blaike, Teya and Liam H so far!

RWI people, remember to check in with your daily lesson on YouTube. Get Spelling children try a bit more of your unit and today or tomorrow get someone to give you a spelling test! Any mistakes, write them out 3 times to make them stick!

Check back over the week’s work to see if there is anything else you could have a go at. I’m looking forward to seeing any castle drawings and fact-files you want to send me.

Remember Oxford Owl has lots of resources that will help you with reading and writing. Lots of audio books or books to read if you are running low as well as grammar, spelling and vocabulary activities.



Primary 4 – Thurs 23rd April Numeracy

Today if you can I’d like you to get on Sumdog to see if you can complete the challenge Sumdog has chosen for you. We have 6 people already working on it so it would be good to see a few different names coming up.

Today give this game a go. Cubes and cylinders, we did number sequences in a recent assessment so see what you can remember. Pyramids we have also done number sequences, so give this a go too. Choose your level and within the level you can also choose how tricky the sequences will be as they will start removing some of the numbers to add to the excitement!

Primary 4- Wednesday 22nd April Numeracy

Pyramids – cubes and cylinders have a go too if you want!

Grab some dice.( If you don’t have dice, write numbers 1-10 on a piece of paper.) Roll the dice to get 2 numbers. Or throw a wee rolled up piece of paper on your number grid to select 2 numbers. You then have the 2 multiples you need.  I want you to make an array out of your multiples. We have done this lots and lots of times in class. It doesn’t matter what you use,  pasta, small toys, buttons, counters or you could cut up bits of paper into shapes. Build your array and write 4 fact family sentences to explain your groups.

eg, 4×3=12      3×4=12         12 divided by 4=3      12 divided by 3 = 4

Here’s a video reminder about arrays.

Cubes and cylinders – Corbett Maths – Primary 5 a day

Please complete some of the worksheets on Corbett Maths 5 a day – you do not need to print the worksheet, simply write the question in your jotters and work it out.

Start on the 1st April and begin to work through them, you do not need to complete all of April in one day!  There are 4 levels of difficulty ranging from Bronze to Platinum (most difficult). Give the bronze level a try. Please do not worry if there is a question you are unsure of.

Here is the link to the April questions:

Here is where you can find the answers, please have a go at working out the answer before checking the answers. You may wish to complete one day, correct it and then move onto the next day.