Literacy Learning

This week we used our VCOP skills (vocabulary, connectives ,openers and punctuation) to take a simple sentence and make it amazing! We are now skilled at understanding what makes a great sentence and using all the resources on the working wall to help us. Our simple sentence was,
the snake sat in the tree in the rainforest

Here are a few examples of our up-levelled sentences

One boiling hot day in the Amazonian rainforest there was a poisonous snake waiting to pounce on a piranha. Liam H

On a dark night the deadly rattlesnake slithered up in the ivy tree to strangle a monkey. Liam S

In the middle of the night the deadly poisonous snake choked the hunter to death and ate him in one gulp!

One morning in the Amazonian rainforest the snake slithered up the giant tree ready to pounce! Ava

Everyone did a great job and we look forward to sharing our writing with you at the open evening.

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