Primary 4 have enjoyed choosing their own chapter books to read this term. Pupils will complete Book Detective tasks such as:
Word Finder, Highlighter, Question Master, Link Maker, Illustrator and Summariser.
Primary 4 will pick reading task cards to complete as 9 o clock challenges, as extension tasks or as homework this term to help them investigate the texts they are reading.
In numeracy this week, P4 learned the maths signs for Greater Than and Less than and have been using these signs to compare pairs of numbers and number sentences (sums). We also used the = sign when numbers were the same.
Pupils compared numbers on the interactive whiteboard, selected a symbol using the interactive pen then asked classmates to show whether they agreed with their answer using thumbs. Numicon and cuisenaire rods were also used so that pupils could use materials to help them compare their own numbers, they arranged 2 sets and then wrote the greater than/less than or equals to sign on a write on/ wipe off whiteboard.
We will continue working with these signs until the end of term 1.
Primary 4 have learned how to make a chest pass and shoot a basketball hoop with precision.
Pupils were arranged in 2 teams in a zig zag and started with one player at the start passing the ball to a team player, this continued up the zig zag to the end. The player at the end took a shot at the hoop then ran to the start to begin the zig zag pass again.
Mrs Robertson was very impressed with the range of team skills displayed such as positive verbal communication, eye-contact, teamwork and praise.
We will continue to practise our throwing and shooting at the basketball hoop this term as well as playing “dragon tails” and “Viking longboats” to incorporate our IDL – The Vikings.
P4 took advantage of the lovely weather on Friday and acted out a variety of frieze frame shots featuring dragon training.
Pupils either played the role as trainer or dragon acting out scenarios such as – feeding the dragon, giving commands to the dragon using imperative verbs such as “sit” “lie down” “roll over” “fly” “climb” and even “jump through the hoop”.
Please take a look at our frieze frames below.
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