P4 Hedgehogs 🦔 and Hibernation

Luna visits P4!
  • This term, as part of our Autumn/Winter IDL, P4 have learned about Hibernation and Migration.

One child in our class owns a pet hedgehog called Luna and her mum brought Luna into class to visit us and to share some very interesting facts!

P4 prepared for Luna’s visit by writing a list of questions to ask.  Pupils confidently asked their questions and listened respectfully to the answers given! They then wrote a few paragraphs describing Luna’s visit and a few facts they had learned.  A lot of primary 4 were surprised to learn that Luna loves cat food, she doesn’t need to hibernate as she is a pet and is kept cosy at home and that her prickles are sharp enough to draw blood if she is frightened and curls up into a ball.

Many thanks to Luna and our P4 pupils parents for visiting our class!




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