Primary 4 Sharing Success Show & Tell

Rosemary recently attended a sports event where she was given the opportunity to partake in a range of sports.  When she arrived back at school, she was delighted to share the experiences of her day with her classmates. She confidently answered questions about the range of sports she took part in and her feelings about the day. Well done Rosemary!

Sporting Success

Liam has worked hard this year, developing his literacy and numeracy skills through a range of activities and tasks.  He has also attended Thera-pony trekking sessions at the stables and recently managed a trek around the arena unsupported.  This is a massive achievement for a young boy who admits he was a little nervous when he first met the ponies. Liam showed the rest of his classmates his success book during show and tell and answered questions throughout. Well done Liam!

Show and Tell
Sharing Success Stories

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