P4 Questions Questions Questions

As part of our “Questioning Minds” classroom focus and Data Handling in Numeracy this term, Primary 4 are enjoying regular opportunities to conduct surveys amongst their classmates.

Pupils have constructed their own interview questions as well as being given set questions to gain more information about the likes and dislikes of classmates.

Questions Questions

P4 Data Handling with Numicon and Cuisenaire

This term, P4 are learning about Data Handling. Pupils have conducted their own survey to find out information about their classmates and presented their findings in a bar graph.

P4 also surveyed each other to find favourite fruit, cereal, crisps and pets.  This information was collected in the form of tally marks in tables. Numicon and Cuisenaire rods were used as visual aids to represent each answer prior to the construction of bar graphs on a bar graph template. Pupils were then challenged to create their own graphs on squared paper.

Bar Graphs using Numicon and Cuisenaire

P4 – Trading Places

P4 pupils tricked Mrs Robertson last week by changing coats, hats etc during playtime.

When they entered the classroom it took some time for Mrs Robertson to realise what the pranksters had got up to 🙂

Mrs Lange also swapped her jacket with someone… Can you spot who it was?

Trading Places