P4 Science Fayre – Train Your Brain

Today P4 learned about the different parts of the brain and what they are responsible for.

Pupils were encouraged to look at, then recall items under a blanket, test starch in test tubes with various amounts of iodine, investigate the process of dissolution, build a structure that can withhold a heavy book using paper and match images of seals using their features.

P4 had great fun being scientists for the day.  Please take a look at some of the tasks they were involved in.

Scientists for the Day


P4 Christmas Wishes

Christmas Wishes from P4

Merry Christmas from Primary 4.  Wishing everyone a well deserved rest during the Christmas holidays.

Boys and girls, I’m looking forward to seeing you all again on the 7th January 2019, bright eyed and bushy tailed. Happy New Year to you and your families! I hope 2019 is full of health, happiness and lots of fun times for you 😘 Love Mrs Robertson.

P4 Tinker Treasures

Tinker Treasures

As part of our LOL – Love Outdoor Learning sessions, P4 have had the opportunity to take apart various pieces of electrical equipment such as computers, desk fans, toasters, remote controls, straightners and use pliers and screwdrivers to investigate inside.

P4 Hedgehogs 🦔 and Hibernation

Luna visits P4!
  • This term, as part of our Autumn/Winter IDL, P4 have learned about Hibernation and Migration.

One child in our class owns a pet hedgehog called Luna and her mum brought Luna into class to visit us and to share some very interesting facts!

P4 prepared for Luna’s visit by writing a list of questions to ask.  Pupils confidently asked their questions and listened respectfully to the answers given! They then wrote a few paragraphs describing Luna’s visit and a few facts they had learned.  A lot of primary 4 were surprised to learn that Luna loves cat food, she doesn’t need to hibernate as she is a pet and is kept cosy at home and that her prickles are sharp enough to draw blood if she is frightened and curls up into a ball.

Many thanks to Luna and our P4 pupils parents for visiting our class!




P4 and their “Questioning Minds”

To be or not to be? That is the question.

P4 love generating their own questions using a wide variety of words as the answer.  This is either set as a 9 o’clock challenge or as part of our class literacy time.  EXAMPLE:-

Pupils are asked:-

Hair is the answer, what is the question?

They are then encouraged to come up with as many questions as they can.  P4 also enjoy creating their own riddles for classmates to answer.  Tasks such as these encourage pupils to strengthen their questioning skills which is a vital skills for learning, life and work.