P4 enjoy using Literacy games in our classroom to help develop their knowledge and understanding of vocabulary.
Pupils can roll a dice and read story starters/prompts then write sentences on their whiteboards. They can choose words from various coloured envelopes and construct silly sentences. Pupils can also match up rhyming words and pairs of words to make compound words.
Primary 4 have been learning different ways to help them with their knowledge and understanding of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
Pupils have used manipulatives and resources such as hundred squares, number lines, counters, pegs, numicon and arrays to help deepen their conceptual understanding.
Today we learned that addition can be used to help with subtraction sums. Pupils created equations on their whiteboards to demonstrate this.
Primary 4 have enjoyed choosing their own chapter books to read this term. Pupils will complete Book Detective tasks such as:
Word Finder, Highlighter, Question Master, Link Maker, Illustrator and Summariser.
Primary 4 will pick reading task cards to complete as 9 o clock challenges, as extension tasks or as homework this term to help them investigate the texts they are reading.
As you can see P4 love our new reading area.
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