All posts by Miss MacDonald

Primary 3 – Thursday Home Learning Numeracy Task!

Good Morning Everyone!

Today on our timetable you have Numeracy, Literacy, Reading, Newsround, Daily 15 and a Home Learning Challenge! 🌈✨



Can you complete the 2 times table wheel?
Remember the 2 times table you are ‘doubling each time’. It could also be repeated addition for example… 2 x 3 =6, double 3 is 6 and 3+3 =6.

Good Luck!

Keep practicing counting in 2’s and your 2 times table on the website below!

Triangles and Squares

Let’s have a go at some fact families.

Inside the triangles there are 3 numbers. Your challenge is to use these numbers to fill in 4 different multiplication and division sums (2 multiplication and 2 division).

You can use arrays or times tables  to check your answers!

Sumdog Challenge

Well done to everyone who has taken part in the Sumdog Challenge so far.

The leaderboard looks like this…

1st – Callum
2nd –Ruby
3rd –Lorena

4th – Isla

5th – Millie

6th – Lennox

7th – Sophie

8th – Jessica

9th – Aoife

You can find your log in inside the front cover of your blue home learning jotter.

Good Luck 🎉

Primary 3 – Wednesday Home Learning Challenge!

Your Movie Night should be coming along nicely.

You should have chosen a film and created posters to tell your family the place, time, location and maybe even a little summary of the film.

Today our task is to create tickets for those in your family that wish to attend.

Make sure you have included the date and time for your movie night!

Be creative 🙂

You can even share your tickets on the P3 blog when you are finished.

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Primary 3 – Wednesday Home Learning Task Daily15, Reading and Newsround!

Daily 15

Today we are going to do somemore of the NHS Daily 10 Shake Ups. You can choose any activity from the link below!

Today’s theme is THE INCREDIBLES!

The Incredibles Clip Art | Disney Clip Art Galore


Remember to pick up a book and read for 30 minutes.


Here is the Newsround link again.



Primary 3 – Wednesday Home Learning Literacy Task!

PHONICS – With a person at home use your pencil as your pointing stick and work your way through the speed sound sheet. Remember to challenge yourself and try to say the sounds in a different order.
Each of you have either set 2 or set 3 sounds in your home learning packs too. With someone at home say the sound and then the words underneath. Remember to say…

  • The special friends
  • Fred in your head
  • Say the words

Work through this booklet to practice this!

JOTTER CHALLENGE – Open your blue home learning jotter and choose another jotter challenge of your choice. Complete this in your blue jotter.

Writing Task

Stick with the level of star challenge you worked on yesterday.

1 Star

Follow the link below to take you to the ‘Sidney Spider – A Tale of Friendship‘ literacy booklet.

For today’s task…
Complete Sidney’s next task and read the story again if you need too. This is pictured below.

Rewrite these sentences into your jotter .

2 Star

Access ‘The Magical Teaching Box’ by following the link below.

For today’s task…

We are going to be trying to use  some of the tricky words in sentences of our own.

Complete the activity below.

3 Star

You can access ‘The Truth about Trolls’ story and activities below. Remember to ask an adult for help if you need to 🙂

Today’s Task…

Remember if you have any questions feel free to ask on the P3 Blog and I will be able to help you! 😀

Primary 3 – Wednesday Home Learning Numeracy Task!

Good morning everyone.

Today on your timetable we have Numeracy, Literacy, Daily 15, Reading, Newsround and another Home Learning Challenge. 😀



We have been looking at multiplying by 2 (which really means to double something).

Today we are going to look at dividing  by 2 (which really means to half something equally).

The video link below will help to explain this to you…

Give this activity below a go in your red jotter. If you need any help I’ll be on the P3 blog to answer any questions.

For extra practice with your times tables, you can go on to and click on 2 times tables. To access this follow the link below.

Triangles and Squares

Let’s try some word problems today! Use arrays  or your number square to try and solve the word problems below.

For extra times tables practice follow the link below.

So far we have worked on the 2,3,4,5 and 10 times tables but feel free to push yourself and try some different ones 🙂

Sumdog Challenge

Well done to everyone who has joined in with our Sumdog Challenge this week. So far the leader board looks like this…

1st –Callum
2nd – Ruby
3rd –Lorena

4th – Jessica

5th – Aoife

There is still lots of time to join in the competition. Your log in is in the front cover of your blue jotter. To log in follow the link below…

Good Luck 😀

Primary 3 – Tuesday ICT Home Learning!

As we have been learning about coding in our ICT for the past couple of weeks. It is time to give computer coding  a practice.

Lets start with watching the video we looked at 2 weeks ago. This
video helped to explain what coding was.

To do create our own computer code we need to use a special website. Click on the link below.

We are going to create a code for our own dance party!

First we have to click on the start button in the first purple rectangle called ‘Dance Party’. This will take you to your work space. To start creating your dance party you have to watch each video that pops up very carefully (these are linked from YouTube) as they give us the instructions of what we have to do!

To begin with it might be useful to have an adult or someone at home to help you with this but I’m sure after some practice you will be able to try this by yourselves.

Have fun!

Whole School Partners - Coding Clipart Png Transparent Png ...

Primary 3 – Tuesday Home Learning Literacy Task!

PHONICS – With a person at home use your pencil as your pointing stick and work your way through the speed sound sheet. Remember to challenge yourself and try to say the sounds in a different order.
Each of you have either set 2 or set 3 sounds in your home learning packs too. With someone at home say the sound and then the words underneath. Remember to say…

  • The special friends
  • Fred in your head
  • Say the words

Work through this booklet to practice this!

JOTTER CHALLENGE – Open your blue home learning jotter and choose another jotter challenge of your choice. Complete this in your blue jotter.

Writing Task

Stick with the level of star challenge you worked on yesterday.

1 Star

Follow the link below to take you to the ‘Sidney Spider – A Tale of Friendship‘ literacy booklet.

For today’s task…
Complete Sidney’s next tasks and read the story again if you need too.

These are pictured below. The first one won’t take you long to complete at all.

2 Star

Access ‘The Magical Teaching Box’ by following the link below.

For today’s task…

We are going to be trying to work out the meaning of some tricky words.

Complete the activity below.

3 Star

You can access ‘The Truth about Trolls’story and activities below. Remember to ask an adult for help if you need to 🙂

Todays Task…
Is too add in extra information to sentences. Look at the example to help you! Remember if you have any questions feel free to ask on the P3 Blog and I will be able to help you! 😀

Primary 3 – Tuesday Home Learning Numeracy Task!

Good morning everyone.

Today on your timetable we have Numeracy, Literacy, ICT and Daily 15. 😀



Keep working on the two times table! Complete the worksheet below in your red jotter.

For extra practice you can go on to and click on 2 times tables. To access this follow the link below.

Triangles and Squares

I hope your task yesterday went well and the little drawing helped to refresh your memory. Today we are going to continue to work on these. Complete the following in you red jotter.

For extra times tables practice follow the link below.

So far we have worked on the 2,3,4,5 and 10 times tables but feel free to push yourself and try some different ones 🙂

Sumdog Challenge

Oops! Sorry everyone I realised I had clicked to wrong button on Sumdog and the challenge date had changed! This means that the challenge didn’t start until this morning. The challenge will close at 10pm on Friday.

Sorry to those of you who had played yesterday  I know you had answered quite a few questions (especially Ruby and Bolo! )

Your log in is in the front cover of your blue jotter. To log in follow the link below…

Good Luck  and sorry again! ✨

Primary 3 – Monday Home Learning Challenge!

On Thursday we started to plan a family movie night.

Now you should have a film in mind after you carried out your survey on Thursday. Lets continue with our plan…

Todays activity

  • Create a poster to advertise your movie.
  • Make sure you have included the date and time your move will take place and where in your house you going to host the movie night.
  • If you want to ,it might be a good idea to write a summary of the movie beside it to give customers (your family) some information before the big show.

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