All posts by Miss MacDonald

Primary 3 – Wednesday Home Learning Numeracy Task!

Good morning  primary 3!

Happy Wednesday!

Just  a little note to let you know that Thursday and Friday are in-service days so no additional work will be posted on the school blog. Any work you choose to do over these days are completely optional. Additionally, Monday 25th May is a holiday so after today there will be no more tasks posted until Tuesday 26th May! Have a lovely long weekend 😀

Today on your timetable we have Numeracy, Literacy, Daily 15, Reading, Newsround and another Home Learning Challenge. 😀


Today circles, we are going to go beyond 20! Remember you have a numicon number line in your home learning pack to help you 🙂


This week we have worked on ordering days of the week. Now lets revise the months of the year…

Complete the worksheet below.Spelling – Months of the Year / FREE Printable Worksheets ...

Play the game below for extra practice.


We have now revised o’clock and half past lets have a look at quarter past and quarter too.

Watch the video below to give yourself a little reminder.

Complete the worksheet below writing the time shown on the clocks in both word form and digital form.

Worksheet containing 9 analogue clocks showing quarter to and ...

For some extra practice find the link to the Maths Frame time game on yesterdays blog post 🙂


Complete the worksheet below writing the time shown on the clocks in both word form and digital form.Year 2 Maths: Tell the time to the nearest 5 minute interval ...For some extra practice find the link to the Maths Frame time game on yesterdays blog post 🙂

Primary 3 – Tuesday ICT Home Learning Task!

For today’s ICT log into the Primary 3 blog and create a new post.

It has been lovely to see how many of you have been on to share your learning or have told me what you have been up to since the school closed. Today lets all keep in touch!

As a reminder, log in to the P3 blog with your personal username and password. Click on  +New then post. This will open up a new window where you are free to create your own post.

Use this time to read through your friends posts, leave them some comments and keep in touch!

Looking forward to hearing from you 🙂

Primary 3 – Tuesday Literacy Home Learning Task!

PHONICS – With a person at home use your pencil as your pointing stick and work your way through the speed sound sheet. Remember to challenge yourself and try to say the sounds in a different order.
Each of you have either set 2 or set 3 sounds in your home learning packs too. With someone at home say the sound and then the words underneath. Remember to say…

  • The special friends
  • Fred in your head
  • Say the words

Work through this booklet to practice this!

Writing Task

Before the school closed we learned all about speech bubbles and created comic strips using these.

Your task today is to create your own comic strip using speech bubbles each time a character talks.

Our comic strip will only have 3 parts, the beginning, the middle and the end. First try to come up with an idea for your story which you could break down into 3 different pictures. Maybe a sentence for each.

Idea for box 1 –

Idea for box 2 –

Idea for box 3 –

Next begin to sketch out a character for your comic strip. This could be a person, an animal or something else.

Then start to draw out your 3 boxes. Remember to give your comic strip story a title too!

Finally start to use your ideas to draw a picture in each box adding a speech bubble around any words your character might say in your story!

Be creative, remember you can share these on the blog too.

Have fun 🙂

Primary 3 – Tuesday Numeracy Home Learning!

Good morning everyone.

Today on your timetable we have Numeracy, Literacy, ICT and Daily 15. 😀



Use the days of the week song to help you put the days of the week in order.

Write down the days of the week on 7 different pieces of paper.

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

Mix them up.

Can you put them into the correct order again.

Have someone at home challenge you.

Place the days of the week in order and have a grown up remove one day. Can you work out what day is missing?

Remember you can use the link posted on yesterdays numeracy blog post to practice the days of the week some more.


Write the digital time for the times on the clocks below.

Remember you can keep practicing time. Using the game link on yesterdays numeracy post.


Write the digital time for the times on the clocks below.

Remember you can keep practicing time. Using the game link on yesterdays numeracy post.

Primary 3 – Monday Home Learning Challenge!

This weekend I came across another Roald Dahl book called ‘Revolting Recipes‘  which I thought was very strange! It was a book which tells you how to make all the horrible food mentioned in his other stories.

Lots of the recipes  sounded awful, for example…

  • Fresh Mudburgers (from James and The Giant Peach)
  • Lickable Wallpaper (from Charlie and The Chocolate Factory)
  • Wormy Spaghetti (from The Twits)
  • Frobscottle (from The BFG)

Mmmmmm I bet they are so tasty!🤮🤢

Todays challenge is to describe and draw the most disgusting meal EVER! What can you come up with! Use your imagination 🤪

Primary 3 – Monday Home Learning Daily 15, Reading and Newsround!

Daily 15

Find a ball and give these activities a go. Some of them look quite tricky, you might want to practice some throwing and catching first! 🏀🎾⚾️


Remember to try and squeeze in some time to read a book. It is important to keep your brain active too.


Follow the link below to watch todays Newsround.

Primary 3 – Monday Literacy Home Learning Task

Lets start with out daily phonics lesson!

Remember the RWI youtube channel has lessons for children to follow along at home. These will be live Monday – Friday at the times listed below. Each sound workbook in your home learning pack will tell you at the top what set of sounds you are working on.

Set 2 Speed Sounds at 10am and again at 1pm
Set 3 Speed Sounds at 10.30am and again at 1.30pm

PHONICS – With a person at home use your pencil as your pointing stick and work your way through the speed sound sheet. Remember to challenge yourself and try to say the sounds in a different order.
Each of you have either set 2 or set 3 sounds in your home learning packs too. With someone at home say the sound and then the words underneath. Remember to say…

  • The special friends
  • Fred in your head
  • Say the words

Work through this booklet to practice this!

SPELLING -Use your spelling sheet from your home learning pack and choose an activity of your choice.
Remember to choose a star challenge which you think is appropriate for your learning! Additionally, feel free to push yourself on through different levels on the common words section of Doorway!

Above the stars I have written where these words have come from on Doorway Speller.For example to practice these words on doorways speller you would follow the link below.

Click 1200 common words
Then click the part written above your spelling words. eg. 1 star challenge would click 1st hundred then set 6.

Primary 3 – Monday Numeracy Home Learning

Good Morning Primary 3!

It’s Monday again, I hope you had a fun weekend. Today on your timetable we have Numeracy, Literacy, Daily 15, Reading, Newsround and another Home Learning Challenge!

Board Sums


It has been a while since we looked at time. Lets practice ordering the days of the week. Use the song below to help you to complete the following worksheet.

days of the week

You can also practice ordering the days of the week by playing the game below.


Complete the work sheet below. Watch the video to give you a reminder of how to tell the time.

Worksheet containing 9 analogue clocks showing o'clock or half ...

Use the game below to help you practice telling the time to o’clock and half past.


Can you write the time for each question below in digital form and in word form.

Grade 3 Telling Time Worksheets - free & printable | K5 LearningUse the game below to practice this a bit more.

Good Luck 🙂