All posts by Miss MacDonald

Primary 3 – Tessellation!

After learning all about 2D and 3D shape earlier this year, this term we have looked at tessellation and tiling.

As a class we read ‘The Knight That Said NO!’ (a story from our Read, Write, Count bags) we began to see some shape patterns forming! We noticed that the castle in the story book  was made from tessellation of shapes which we now know means shapes that fit together perfectly with no spaces between them or any over lapping sides. This gave us an idea to make our own tessellating shape castles! We focused really closely on the way we drew our shapes and the colours we used to colour it in, as we had to make sure we kept our pattern accurate!

Primary 3 – In the Christmas spirit!

Primary 3 had a lovely afternoon decorating our classroom for Christmas. We talked about different winter themed activities we could have in the bay of our classroom. Activities that would not only be fun to do when we finish our work but activities that would be a bit of a challenge for us too!

After creating a huge list of ideas we began to start the decorating! We split into two groups  and decided on 3 people to decorate our class tree.

One group learned how to make paper snowflakes.

Another group designed paper chains and worked together to create one!

Finally, we decorated the class Christmas tree and all gathered together for the light switch on!

Amazing teamwork primary 3!


Primary 3 – Rounding!

In numeracy we have been learning how to round numbers to the nearest 10.  We understand the important rule and have been trying so hard to remember it and put it into practice … 5 or more we go next door.

We played “Rocket Rounding” to give us some extra practice. I have added the link to the game below if you would like to keep playing at home!


Primary 3 – Infant Christmas Tree!

P1, P2 and P3 have a Christmas tree in our infant corridor.

We are having great fun decorating it. We would love if your child could add a homemade decoration to our tree. This could be made out of anything you may have lying around the house that you no longer need. No additional money should be spent on this activity. Any (and every) homemade decoration for our tree would be most welcome!

We realise that this a very busy time of year and of course this is purely an optional activity.

Thank you

Miss Macdonald

Primary 3 – Numeracy Afternoon with Primary 1!

We enjoyed working with Primary 1 last week. It was great fun to practice our songs for the Christmas show. We finished our afternoon by sharing our numeracy learning. We used Numicon to build number lines and practice our number bonds to 10. It was great fun trying to work out the missing number from our number lines  when we played the hide the number game! Primary 1 were working to hard to share their new learning of teen numbers with us too!

Here is a few pictures of our afternoon, we look forward to working with Primary 1 again!

Primary 3 -Spelling Stars!

We have been working on our spelling this morning.

In the back of our literacy jotters we have our own little dictionaries where we write down any words we have spelled wrong or we need help with during our literacy tasks. In our classroom we have lots of spelling activity cards that we can do when we finish our work. This morning we decided to spend some time doing this all together. We had the choice between pyramid words, rainbow write and bubble writing.

While most of primary 3 completed this task we also had laptops set up to practice the 1200 common words on a little game called Doorway Speller. All children will be able to play this game on rotation throughout the term. If you want to play this at home I have posted the link below, it is called Speller 2.


Primary 3 – Remembrance Day!

We learned about Remembrance Day and made lots of poppy field pictures to display in our classroom.

Primary 3 were interested in the reason why we have a silence on the 11th of November so we took some time to talk about the soldiers that fought in the world wars.  We were so respectful in our discussions and throughout the 2 minute silence. Although we learned about this on the 11th it took us a while to finish off our beautiful pictures… here they are below.

Primary 3 – Gymnastics!

Primary 3 have been working really hard in gym this term.

We shared our amazing gymnastics learning in the classroom before we went to gym today!

We watched a real gymnastics routine before talking about what we had learned so far and how we could connect all these things together to make our very own gymnastics routine. As we had looked at balances, rolls, jumps and traveling already this term with Mr McCormack we  made sure we included all of these moves in to our routines.

These are pictures of primary 3 hard at work! Look at these amazing rolls, jumps and balances!