All posts by Miss MacDonald

Primary 3 – The Snowman!

Primary 3 watched ‘The Snowman’ animation and used sequence cards to sequence the story. I heard some amazing group discussions  about the events in the story too.

Next we shared our ideas for our last creative story of the term! It had to be titled “The Snowman That Came to Life!” After lunch we are going to share these with the class!

Some of us even had the chance to decorate play dough Christmas Trees!

Primary 3 – Christmas Card Replies!

We were so lucky today to see that our elf, Tinsel had helped us to deliver our Christmas cards to pilots on who will be working Christmas day! We were shocked to see the class Christmas tree covered with pictures of Tinsel helping to fly the plane!

He even managed to bring back a reply to our Christmas Cards! We were so pleased! We have had replies from Doctors, Physiotherapists, Nurses, Carers, Pilots, Oil Rig Workers and a Policeman.

Primary 3 – The Greatest Gift!

Literacy this week was focused on the Sainsburys Christmas advert, The Greatest Gift.

This brought up lots of discussion points. First we discussed what we thought the greatest gift might be. At first lots of material things were put on our list before we realised that there were lots of things so much more important, like spending time with family and friends.

After watching the advert we talked about people that can’t spend Christmas with their families due to work commitments and made a list of jobs that can’t take the day off. These were jobs such as doctors, nurses, carers, jobs that work off shore like oil workers and pilots.

Primary 3 decided that a nice gesture would be to write Christmas cards to people who are working these jobs on Christmas Day.

Primary 3 – Bird Feeders!

Primary 3 have a special advent calendar in class this year. Each day we click on a numbered present from the online Christmas tree and it takes us to a new Christmas advert each day. We love talking about the messages behind the adverts and discussing how we can relate to them.

This week one of our Christmas adverts was from Waitrose from back in 2016. This video tells the story of a Robin in search of food.

This  started a discussion around how birds find food in the winter. We talked about how animals often struggle to find food in winter months when the ground has frozen over. We decided it would be helpful for us to make our own bird feeders and persuasive posters to encourage others to feed the birds too! We had great fun, although the lard was very slimy (P3 thought it smelled a bit too)!!