All posts by Miss MacDonald

Primary 3 – Chinese Art!

This afternoon we met Miss Song for the first time. We were so happy to hear she will be spending every Wednesday afternoon with us this term!
As our topic is China we decided to make some crafts to link with this. Yesterday we talked about the Chinese flag and learned that the colour red was used to symbolise the Chinese Revolution and the stars are for the different groups of people that live in China. We then made our own flags with tissue paper. Today we had the chance to finish these off and began to make our whole class Chinese Dragon!

We were so busy this afternoon and our dragon isn’t even finished yet! Great work Primary 3!

Primary 3 – Days of the Week!

Today primary 3 were revising the days of the week. We found a song to help us remember these in the correct order. When the song was finished we had a little quiz to see if we could remember the order correctly!

We tried the same thing with the months of the year.


For some extra practice we played some ordering days of the week games! I will post the link so you can practice at home.




Primary 3 – Odd and Even Numbers!

This week Primary 3 have been learning about odd and even numbers! To do this we looked at an activity on Doorway and a game on Topmarks. After completing our first independent task we set up the classroom with lots of active activities to help us continue our learning of odd and even numbers!

If you want to practice these games at home the links are below…

Primary 3 – Christmas Party!

We had so much fun this afternoon at our Christmas Party! Primary 3 joined up with Primary 1 and 2 in the gym hall to play some festive party games before being invited to join the upper school disco! It was great fun!

After showing off all of our amazing dancing and playing lots of games we went back to class for a snack!  What a lovely afternoon!

Primary 3 – Exciting Visitors!

This afternoon we were so lucky to be visited by Steve and Stewart. They came into class to talk about their exciting jobs and how they spend Christmas when they have to go to work.

After writing Christmas Cards to oil rig workers, pilots and cabin crew we were happy to see that in their Christmas card replies that they were going to come and visit us to answer lots of the questions we had asked!

After Steve and Stewart left we decided to write down one thing we had learned about either job… although we could have written lots! We put these on post it notes and talked about our learning!

To end our lovely afternoon we had another Kapla Challenge where children had to work together to build either an oil rig or an airplane! We had some amazing creations!