All posts by Miss MacDonald

Primary 3 – Chinese Lantern Festival!

Primary 3 have been learning all about China!
Last week we learned  lots about the Chinese Lantern Festival which happens on the final day of the Chinese New Year celebration (Day 15)! We found out that people in China visit the lantern festival to enjoy the amazing lantern display which often has lanterns shaped like the animal of the Chinese Zodiac from that year! This year is the year of the rat.

Last week we made our own lanterns, we worked so hard to shade these with pastels making sure our patterns were symmetrical. Look how hard we worked…

We also found out about the Lantern Riddle Game. This is when riddles are attached to the lanterns for both children and adults to guess. If the riddles are guessed correctly the person who solves it would win a prize.  Primary 3 were able to guess the answer to 2/4 Chinese Riddles! Great job!

Primary 3 – Time Games!

Primary 3 have been learning all about time in our Maths this term. Groups have all been working on different aspects of time from learning days of the week and months of the year to practicing half past, o clock, quarter past and quarter too. We played lots of active maths games and practiced showing times on a clock with our partners.


Primary 3 – Scottish Country Dancing!

As part of gym this term, primary 3 are working on Scottish Country Dancing. P3 and P5 are also lucky enough to be attending the Scottish Country Dance Festival next month.

In order to prepare ourselves for this we have been working with our Primary 5 dance partners to learn a few of these dances. So far we have learned the Flying Scotsman and The Military Two Step.

Hopefully we remember these for our Outdoor Ceilidh on Friday! Great work P3!



Primary 3 – French!

Primary 3 showed me what they remembered about the French they did last term. We started by practicing our numbers to 20, our French colours then our French body parts.

Today we looked at how to ask and answer two important questions in French. We learned how to say ‘What is your name?’ And ‘How old are you?” We walked around the classroom and asked our friends these questions, having to ask and answer each partner in French! If this wasn’t tricky enough we decided to try and write our answers down!

Brilliant work P3 I know this was a difficult task!

Primary 3 – Class Blog!

As part of our ICT we have been working on our class blog. Each week children will find their ICT task on the blog with instructions on how to complete it. With the help of their learning trios and an initial demonstration children will carry out the task!

This week children were working with their  learning trios to write a post on our class blog and have now began to upload and add pictures too.

All children have access to the P3 class blog with their glow username and password. The blog can be used in class or at home in their own time. They can use this to write/blog about class learning, home learning, extra curricular activities or anything exciting they would like to share with the class. Children can also write comments on the posts of others in the class too.

All comments and posts will be read, checked and approved before being submitted to the blog.

Primary 3 – Hit the Button!

Last week P3 were introduced to the game ‘Hit the Button’. This time we played the game as a class to demonstrate how the game works. We decided to start with number bonds before challenging them with the 2x table! 

Remember you can practice this game at home or after you have finished your work in the classroom. I have posted the link below.


Primary 3 – Complete Class Dragon

Primary 3 continued making our Class dragon. We sat in our learning trios so we could help each other finish off each part.

In the middle of the plates primary 3 had to write their initials in Chinese by finding their initials from the picture of the Chinese alphabet on the board. It was tricky but looked amazing!

It took us a while but now our dragon looks great hanging in the bay!

Fantastic team work boys and girls!