All posts by Miss MacDonald

Primary 3 – Monday Home Learning Numeracy!

Good morning everyone!

I hope you all had a lovely weekend.

Today on your timetable we have Numeracy, Literacy, Daily 15, Reading, Newsround and then our ‘Home Learning Challenge’.

In your home learning pack you all have 2 jotters one blue jotter for literacy and one red jotter for numeracy activities.

Each day I will post boardsums for numeracy. You can complete these in your red jotter. I will post these the same way we do in the classroom. Remember Circles you have numicon numberlines to help you in the back of the blue jotter and triangles and squares you have a number square. Use vertical sums to help you!



After you have completed your boardsums please make sure you complete one maths activity from your pack.  Stapled together in your pack is a booklet which focuses on numbers from 1-20. This book gets more tricky as we start to work through it. Lets try the first page of this book today.

Triangles and Squares

In your maths jotter can you draw the array for the following sums.

2×6      5×7        3×3          4×8        3×9

As an extra challenge can you write a multiplication sum and a division sum to match your array.

See example below….

Additionally I have set up a Sumdog challenge for us which began today at 6am and ends Friday at 10pm! You can find your log in for this inside the front cover of your blue home learning jotter.I will keep track of how we are doing and let you know through the week!

Remember if you have any questions you can ask them on the Primary 3 blog. I will keep checking this throughout the day!

Good Luck!

Primary 3 – Friday and Home Learning Packs!

As Friday was the last day we would all be together in class for a while we thought it would be nice to share lots of ideas of what we could to do together.  We came up with a list and managed to tick off quite a few fun things!

We joined together with the Primary 1’s and Primary 2’s and had a Kapla Building Challenge then we played lots of games together with the giant parachute before all going to play in the pod! We had such a great time with all of our friends.

In the afternoon we decided to make a giant poster of things we have enjoyed in Primary 3 (so far)! It was lots of fun.

I hope you have all managed to collect your home learning  packs and are looking  forward to completing all the activities inside.

In the pack I have given you a little time table to help remind you what we would be doing at school during these times. You don’t have to stick to it rigidly but please try and do some learning at home to keep your brains working the best they can! Remember I will be posting on the blog each day with some more activities, games and challenges you can complete too.

If you need any help advice or even a chat with me or your friends, we have the class P3 blog  you can use for that as well. Any posts you complete or comments you make I will check each day and load them on to the blog for everyone to read and enjoy!

Remember we still have a 2 week break from 28th March to the 13th April so you don’t have to complete any school work for these two weeks. Use this time to spend with your families, play together and have fun. We don’t have to work all the time 🙂

I really do wish all of you good health and hope you stay safe over the coming weeks. Remember to be brave, kind and look after yourselves and your families!

I can’t wait to see you all again when the school reopens.

Miss Macdonald

Primary 3 – Beast Building Challenge!

Primary 3 have been reading our class novel, ‘The Beast on the Broch’ to help us better understand our topic this term.

In the story a little girl named Tallorca meets the Pictish Beast. No one in the village believes this creature exists in reality as the symbol only appears on the Pictish Clan stones.

In class we have watched videos of Pictish stone carving where the beast is engraved and had a go at designing our own clan stones too.

This week we  had a team Kapla Challenge where we had to work together to build our own models of the Pictish Beast. Each member of the team had an important job to do throughout the task.

Primary 3 – ICT Research!

Primary 3 have been learning about The Picts.

During our ICT time we were learning how to accurately use a search engine. We talked about key words and why it was important for these to be specific to find what we are looking for.

For this task we worked with our Learning Trios to  Google some key words to find out about Pictish Brooches. We found out that Pictish Brooches were used to hold clothes together and were a symbol of luck. We recorded this information on our sheet and then had a go at copying some of the pictish brooch designs onto our paper.

Primary 3 – Measuring Length and Height!

In maths our focus has been measure!

We have learned how to measure the height and length of different items using both standard and non standard units.

The Circles were using counters, cubes and paperclips to estimate and then measure the length of their pencil. Next they used rulers to measure the exact length in centimetres (cm).The triangles and squares used rulers and metre sticks to work out the length of much bigger classroom objects. They had to estimate the length in centimetres before measuring the item accurately.

Next they had to try to convert the measurements into cm from m and cms.

It was a tricky job but everyone did it!

We were so glad we had our partners to help us!

Primary 3 – Play in the Pod!

At the beginning of the week we reassessed our targets for the term. We read through these and traffic lighted them as to how well we felt we had achieved these. After having a little look at our social targets we realised a lot of us had written that we would try to play with new friends in the playground. To meet this target we decided to pair up with Primary 2 and play with children we never really have the chance too!

It was a lovely afternoon playing in the sun with our friends.

Primary 3 – Connectives Challenge!

Primary 3 have been learning about connectives and how to use these to improve our writing.

To do this we created our own connective pyramids to help us uplevel the connectives that we use too often.

We then had a connective challenge. We worked in small groups to see how many different connectives we could remember in 2 minutes. After counting up our connectives and checking they were correct. We began to use these in our letters to Talorca!

Amazing work P3!