All posts by Miss MacDonald

Primary 3 – Tuesday Home Learning ICT!

Yesterday I asked you to draw a picture of either your favourite animal or an animal you would like to learn  more about. Following this you should have came up with a few questions you would like to find out about this animal.

Todays Task

Now it’s your job to research this animal to find out some information to answer your questions. You can do this by googling key words. For example if yesterday you drew a picture of a giraffe, today you might type the word ‘giraffe‘ into google search to find some information.

Next you will either create a fact file for this animal in your blue home learning jotter or you can  log into the P3 Blog to create your fact file in a blog post.

Remember your fact file has to have  a title. This would be the name of your animal so we can easily see what your fact file is about.

Remember to make your headings bold so they can stand out.

I would like you to find out …

Name of Animal-

Diet (What the animal eats)-

Habitat (Where the animal lives) –

What does the animal look like (describe the animal)-

Interesting Fact

CHALLENGE – If you have completed this task on the P3 Blog can you add a picture of your animal too.

Good Luck! I can’t wait to see your amazing work!

If you are completing this in your jotter here is an example template you might want to use to help you!

We have completed a similar task in class when we were learning about China so you should be familiar with how to complete this task. If not remember to write on the blog if you need some help 🙂

Primary 3 – Tuesday Home Learning Literacy!

Lets begin today’s  literacy  with our daily phonics practice.

PHONICS – With a person at home use your pencil as your pointing stick and work your way through the speed sound sheet. Remember to challenge yourself and try to say the sounds in a different order

Each of you have either set 2 or set 3 sounds in your home learning packs too. With someone at home say the sound and then the words underneath. Remember to say…

  • the special friends
  • Fred in your head
  • Say the words

Work through this booklet to practice this!

Remember Read Write Ink are scheduling live phonics lessons on the RWI youtube channel for children to follow along at home. These will be live each weekday at the times listed below. Each sound workbook in your home learning pack will tell you at the top what set of sounds you are working on.

Set 2 Speed Sounds at 10am and again at 1pm
Set 3 Speed Sounds at 10.30am and again at 1.30pm

JOTTER CHALLENGE – Open your blue home learning jotter and choose another  jotter challenge of your choice. Complete this in your blue jotter.


Step 1

Look out the window what can you see.

Make a list of these things.

Remember to use commas.

Step 2

Choose 5 of the items from your list and write a sentence about each one.

Challenge – try to extend these sentences using a connective. You can complete this challenge either in your blue home learning jotters or on the P3 Class Blog!

Use this connectives pyramid to help you.

You can also play the game below to practice using connectives.

In the game it is your job to finish the sentence by inserting a connective this will help the sentence make sense

Primary 3 – Tuesday Home Learning Numeracy!

Good morning everyone!

Today on your timetable we have Numeracy, Literacy, ICT and Daily 15.

Board Sums 


After you have completed your boardsums please make sure you complete the next page of your numbers to 20 addition and subtraction book.

Next take time to go on to

Click on the 2x table and complete the challenges.

Remember when we worked on this in class we used the counting sticks to help us…maybe you could find your own sticks to help you. Show someone at home how we did this!

Triangles and Squares

In your home learning pack you should find a stapled sheet of multiplication and division textbook pages.

Complete the first multiplication page. Remember you can draw arrays to help you. The textbook page also gives examples of how the questions can be answered. Additionally, if you have any other questions remember you can ask on the P3 blog! I am checking this continuously.

Next take time to go on to
Click on either the 2,3,4,5 or 10 times table and complete the challenges for this! I know you can do these times tables already but we still have to perfect the 3 and 4 times table before we can move on!

Sumdog Maths Challenge

Remember to log in to Sumdog to take part in our class maths challenge. So far our leader board looks like this…

1st – Lennox

2nd – Ruby

3rd – Aoife

4th – Sophie

5th – Lorena

6th – Piotr

Well done to everyone who has taken part so far!

Again,  if you have any questions you can ask them on the Primary 3 blog. I will keep checking this throughout the day!

Good Luck!

Primary 3 – Monday Home Learning Challenge!

Today’s home learning challenge will help us with tomorrow’s ICT task.

In ICT we have been leaning how to write under headings and have made some fact files to show this. We have also recently learned how to use a search engine like Google to find information. We do this by searching key words.

For todays home learning challenge I would like you to have a think about your favourite animal or an animal you would like to learn some more about.

Draw a picture of it. You can either do this in your blue home learning jotter or on a piece of paper.

Write down some things you want to find out about your animal as tomorrow we will use our research skills to answer our questions and make our own fact file to post on the P3 Blog!

Good luck!

Primary 3 – Daily 15 and Newsround Links!

Each day on your example timetable I have written daily 15 and Newsround. I will post the links to access these below.

Daily 15

Although you might have your own ideas for daily 15 such as walking with your family or dancing. Here are some links to take us to things we use in the classroom.

Just Dance –

Go Noodle –

Cosmic Kids Yoga –


Newsround is a news broadcast aimed at children. It explains real world issues and current events in a child friendly way.  During the period of the school closure Newsround will be updated 3 times per day 9:15am,12:10pm and 4:00pm.

To access Newsround click the link below.

Primary 3 often watch happy news and strange news to cheer us up too.

Every Friday there is also a ‘Quiz of the Week‘ focusing on the news stories for the week to check the children’s memory and understanding.


Primary 3 – Monday Home Learning Literacy Task!


PHONICS – With a person at home use your pencil as your pointing stick and work your way through the speed sound sheet. Remember to challenge yourself and try to say the sounds in a different order.

Each of you have either set 2 or set 3 sounds in your home learning packs too. With someone at home say the sound and then the words underneath. Remember to say…

  • the special friends
  • fred in your head
  • say the words

Work through this booklet to practice this!


Read Write Ink  are also scheduling live phonics lessons on the RWI  youtube channel for children to follow along at home. These will be live Monday – Friday at the times listed below. Each sound workbook in your home learning pack will tell you at the top what set of sounds you are working on.

Set 2 Speed Sounds at 10am and again at 1pm

Set 3 Speed Sounds at 10.30am and again at 1.30pm

JOTTER CHALLENGE – In your blue jotter I have glued in lots of mini challenges for you to work through.  Each day, after your phonics task try to  complete one jotter challenge of your choice.

SPELLING – In your home learning pack I have given you a sheet with lots of different spelling activities. You can do any one you choose or maybe even one you have thought of yourself. Every Monday I will post a list of 10 spelling words which you can practice using different  spelling activities throughout the week.

Remember to choose a star challenge which you think is appropriate for your learning!

Above the stars I have written where these words have come from on Doorway Speller.

For example to practice these words on doorways speller you would

  • Follow the link below

  • Click 1200 common words
  • Then click the part written above your spelling words. eg. 1 star challenge would click 1st hundred then set 2.