All posts by Miss MacDonald

Primary 3 – Friday Home Learning Literacy!

Lets start with out daily phonics lesson!

PHONICS – With a person at home use your pencil as your pointing stick and work your way through the speed sound sheet. Remember to challenge yourself and try to say the sounds in a different order

Each of you have either set 2 or set 3 sounds in your home learning packs too. With someone at home say the sound and then the words underneath. Remember to say…

  • The special friends
  • Fred in your head
  • Say the words

Work through this booklet to practice this!

JOTTER CHALLENGE – Open your blue home learning jotter and choose another jotter challenge of your choice. Complete this in your blue jotter.


Use your spelling words for the week to create a silly story that includes each of your spelling words! Complete this task in your blue home learning jotter!

Or complete this task on our class blog so everyone can be cheered up when they see your silly story. 🙂


Primary 3 – Friday Home Learning Numeracy!

Good morning everyone, happy Friday!

Remember this is our last home learning day for 2 whole weeks. During the 2 week break, spend sometime with your family, play, relax, have fun and most importantly stay safe! Have a lovely 2 week break.

You can even post on the P3 blog to let me know what you have been up to  🙂

On your timetable today we have Numeracy, Literacy and then ‘Free Time Friday’ (You’ve earned it)!


Squares – the last sum is a bit of a challenge 🙂


Lets try to answer some multiplication word problems focusing on the 2 times table.

Remember you can draw pictures to help you! Have a look back at Wednesdays task as an example of how to work these out. Give these a go in your little red maths jotter.

Ask someone at home to help you read the question if you are struggling.

Triangles and Squares

In your pack you have a sheet of times tables word problems, complete this today. Remember the different strategies you can use to help you eg, skip counting, grouping, repeated addition and arrays.

Keep practicing your times tables through playing games on websites such as Top marks and

The links for these are in the previous blog posts.

Sumdog Primary 3 Maths Challenge

This is the last day of our Sumdog Challenge!

Remember to log in to Sumdog to take part in our class maths challenge.

The challenge will close at 10pm tonight so I will post the winner by tomorrow morning when all the scores have been calculated!

So far our leader board looks like this…

1st –Aoife
2nd –Lennox
3rd – Mason
4th – Sophie
5th – Lorena
6th – Jessica

Well done to everyone who has taken part!

Again, if you have any questions you can ask them on the Primary 3 blog. I will keep checking this throughout the day!

Good Luck!

Primary 3 – Thursday Home Learning Challenge!

Treasure hunts are great fun, a fantastic way to keep busy and  spend time with people at home!

Have a go with this scavenger hunt.
Remember to tidy up after you’ve found everything on your list! Here’s the link to our tidy up song…

You can also try the outdoor scavenger hunt if you have a garden.

As an extra challenge why don’t you create your own scavenger hunt for you or someone at home to complete! Write it down in your blue home learning jotter and  time how long it takes you to find all the items on your list!

Happy Hunting 🙂

Primary 3 – Thursday Home Learning Daily 15!

For todays daily 15  tune into Strictly Come Dancings, Oti Mabuse Kids Dance Classes!

These are posted live on Facebook but you should still be able to access previous recordings too.

Follow the link below to access this.,/events/706734256732698?name=Oti+Mabuse+Kids+DANCE+Classes&event_id=706734256732698

If you can’t access this why not play your favourite song and create your own dance routine to this. Teach your dance routine to someone at home or take a recording of you doing your new dance routine:)

Primary 3 – Thursday Home Learning Literacy!

Lets start with out daily phonics lesson!

PHONICS – With a person at home use your pencil as your pointing stick and work your way through the speed sound sheet. Remember to challenge yourself and try to say the sounds in a different order.

Each of you have either set 2 or set 3 sounds in your home learning packs too. With someone at home say the sound and then the words underneath. Remember to say…

  • The special friends
  • Fred in your head
  • Say the words

Work through this booklet to practice this!

JOTTER CHALLENGE – Open your blue home learning jotter and choose another jotter challenge of your choice. Complete this in your blue jotter.


As we aren’t to leave our houses for the next little while it is difficult to talk to the people you usually see everyday. In the classroom we have been learning how to write letters and understand that we write letters to communicate with people.

We know that letters are written in three parts…

  • Introduction/Beginning – This is where we explain why we are writing to the person we have chosen.
  • Middle  – Where we go into more detail and ask any questions we would like to ask.
  • End – This is where we thank our reader and hope for a reply.

Your writing task today is to write a letter to a friend or family member you do not live with. This could be anyone you have not seen for a little while.  Think about what you could ask them, tell them what you have been doing while you have been at home. What have you played with? What have you learned?

In your home learning packs I have included a letter template which could help you.

Remember the order…

  • Address
  • Date
  • Dear
  • The 3 parts of your letter
  • Name

Have fun!

Primary 3 – Thursday Home Learning Numeracy!

Good Morning Primary 3.

On your timetable today  we have Numeracy, Literacy, Daily 15, Reading, Newsround and another Home Learning Challenge!

Board Sums


In your little red jotter try to write out your 2x table. Begin by counting up in 2’s (this will help you)



2×3=6      and so on…

Next, in your home learning pack you will find a sheet all about the 2 times table. We are going to complete this today.

Hit the button is another fun way to practice your times tables. Make sure you click on 2x table after you have clicked the link below.

Triangles and Squares

Complete the next multiplication page in your home learning pack. Remember you can draw arrays to help you. Remember the textbook page also gives examples of how the questions can be answered.

Hit the button is another fun way to practice your times tables. Make sure you click on the times table you would like to practice after you have clicked the link below.

If you are feeling confident with your times tables! Try to complete your times table wheels if you haven’t already.

Sumdog Maths Challenge

Remember to log in to Sumdog to take part in our class maths challenge. So far our leader board looks like this…

1st – Lennox
2nd –Lorena
3rd –Sophie
4th – Mason
5th – Jessica
6th – Ruby

Don’t worry it doesn’t end until Friday so you have plenty time to join in the fun!

Well done to everyone who has taken part so far!

Again, if you have any questions you can ask them on the Primary 3 blog. I will keep checking this throughout the day!

Good Luck!


Primary 3 – Wednesday Home Learning Challenge!


All over the world right now people are experiencing a difficult time. To try and fill the word with some positivity lots of children are creating drawings or paintings of rainbows to display in their windows. These give bright, positive messages to the world to say everything will be okay.

Your task is to show how creative you can be.

Can you draw, paint or colour your own rainbow picture to display in your own window? Show how creative you can be. You can even post pictures of you and your rainbow picture on our class blog.

Lets try and spread some positivity 🙂

Remember we have to stay positive and enjoy the time we have with our families too.

Have fun 🙂

Miss Macdonald

Primary 3 – Wednesday Daily 15 and Newsround!

Daily 15

For todays daily 15 I would like you to take 15 minutes to try to make up your own game or sport!

An example would be a throwing game like  trying to see how many socks you can score into the washing basket.

Play your game with someone at home! Remember to keep score 🙂

Have fun!


Here is the link for Newsround again to save you scrolling for the previous post.


Primary 3 – Wednesday Home Learning Literacy!

Lets start with out daily phonics lesson!

PHONICS – With a person at home use your pencil as your pointing stick and work your way through the speed sound sheet. Remember to challenge yourself and try to say the sounds in a different order
Each of you have either set 2 or set 3 sounds in your home learning packs too. With someone at home say the sound and then the words underneath. Remember to say…

  • The special friends
  • Fred in your head
  • Say the words

Work through this booklet to practice this!

JOTTER CHALLENGE – Open your blue home learning jotter and choose another jotter challenge of your choice. Complete this in your blue jotter.

1 Star Challenge – Speech Bubbles

Choose a page of your new story book or a story book you have at home already. Draw a picture in your blue jotter of what is happening in the story. Make sure to include at least 2 speech bubbles of what the characters are saying.

2 Star Challenge

Re-write the sentences into your blue home learning jotter adding in speech marks in the correct place.

Remember speech marks only go around what the person has said!

1. Hello, said the man.

2. What are you doing? said Fred.

3. Stop! shouted the policeman.

4. Wait a minute, said Mark. Don’t I know you from somewhere?

5. I know what we’ll do, said Lucy. We’ll go to the pictures.

3 Star Challenge – Speech Marks and Punctuation

Re-write the sentences into your blue home learning jotter adding in speech marks and all other missing punctuation in the correct place.

1. Hello said Greg

2. You look tired said Martin

3. Can I come in asked the man

4. No screamed the man

5. Come here said Grandma I want to see how much you have grown

Primary 3 – Wednesday Home Learning Numeracy!

Good Morning Primary 3.

I hope you are all working hard this week and are being nice and helpful at home! Missing you all!

Today on your timetable we have Numeracy, Literacy,  Daily 15, Reading, Newsround and another Home Learning Challenge!

Board Sums


Use your counting sticks to practice counting up in 2s. If you don’t have counting sticks practice counting in 2’s with a person at  home.

Remember when we count in 2s we say all the even numbers…

0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 and so on.

We can also look at the 2 times table like this.

2×3=6this can be read as 2 groups of 3  equals 6.

Try  to answer the questions below in your little red maths jotter. Please draw pictures to help you. The first one has been done for you.

Triangles and Squares

As a bit of extra practice before continuing with the multiplication and division pages in your home learning pack. Lets try some more arrays in your jotter. Remember these arrays will come in handy when we continue working on finding the area!

In your little red maths jotter draw arrays which show the following sums. Remember to write a multiplication sum and division sum to match your arrays. See Mondays post for an example 🙂

3 x 4      5 x 6    2 x 8     10 x 5      3 x 8

Complete the next multiplication page in your home learning pack. Remember you can draw arrays to help you. The textbook page also gives examples of how the questions can be answered.

Sumdog Maths Challenge

Remember to log in to Sumdog to take part in our class maths challenge. So far our leader board looks like this…

1st -Lennox
2nd -Lorena
3rd -Millie
4th -Ruby
5th -Aoife
6th – Sophie

Don’t worry it doesn’t end until Friday so you have plenty time to join in the fun!

Well done to everyone who has taken part so far!

Again, if you have any questions you can ask them on the Primary 3 blog. I will keep checking this throughout the day!

Good Luck!