All posts by Miss MacDonald

Primary 3 – Wednesday Home Learning Numeracy!

Good Morning Everyone! ✨🌼

Today on your timetable we have Numeracy, Literacy,  Daily 15, Reading, Newsround and another Home Learning Challenge!


Yesterday you may have noticed a few slight changes to the boardsums. For example the questions for the circles used number bonds up to 20 and 30 instead of 10 and 20.

Remember you can use number bonds to 10 to help you with this. Note these down in your jotter if you need a little reminder.

Today along with the changes I have made for the circles I am also going to change the last question for both the triangles and the squares. This question may need you regroup/carry numbers in more than one column.

Triangles the answer to your last question could go beyond 100.

Squares the answer to your last question could go beyond 1000.


Yesterday we worked on addition to 30 using a number line to help us. However, if we were in the classroom we would be able to use the Numicon pieces to help us with our addition. Using what you already know and the techniques we learned in the class let’s try to answer the questions below in your red maths jotter. If it’s helpful for you to draw the Numicon shapes in your jotter feel free to do this!

After you have completed this try this game from Topmarks!

Level 1 focuses on number bonds to 20! You can do it!


Let’s try some more column addition sums. Today we are going to work on carrying the ten or regrouping. Watch the video below to remind you of what to do.

Complete the questions below in your red maths jotter.

After you’ve completed these sums give this game ago it focuses on number bonds! Really helpful for us getting quicker with our addition.


Today we are going to continue to look at column addition using 3 digit numbers however all of our previous questions have only ever had an answer of 1000 or below. Today we are going to try questions where the answer is beyond 1000. This might mean you have to regroup  (carry the ten) more than once in a question.

Lets have another look at our song to help explain this some more…

Remember to be super careful to line up your numbers using place value. This will help to keep our work neat and make it easier for us to add numbers accurately. Complete the questions below in your red maths jotter.

I would also like this group to have a go at this addition game focusing on number bonds. Try to pick up speed to help us with mental addition!

Sumdog Challenge

Remember to log in to Sumdog to take part in our class maths challenge. So far our leader board looks like this…

1st – Sophie

2nd – Lennox

3rd – Isla

4th – Lorena

5th – Andrew

6th – Jessica

Don’t worry it doesn’t end until Friday so you have plenty time to join in the fun!

Well done to everyone who has taken part so far!

Again, if you have any questions you can ask them on the Primary 3 blog. I will keep checking this throughout the day!

Good Luck!

Primary 3 – Tuesday Home Learning ICT!

For our ICT we are going to learn about something called coding. Coding is a bit like a special language or set of instructions that tells a computer what to do!

The video below helps to explain this too.

These simple instructions are the code!

Your  job is to create a simple code to help the dog get to the end of  the track. Remember to keep the instructions short and simple. They should only use 3 words maximum per instruction. For example  Two Steps Forward.

Try to create a code for the dog pictures below.

After you have successfully written a code to help the dog reach the end of the track why not try to make your own track at home. Blindfold a grown-up and see if you can give them a simple code (using the correct language) to help them navigate their way around your track!

Have fun and good luck! 🙂

Primary 3 – Tuesday Home Learning Literacy Task!

PHONICS – With a person at home use your pencil as your pointing stick and work your way through the speed sound sheet. Remember to challenge yourself and try to say the sounds in a different order.

Each of you have either set 2 or set 3 sounds in your home learning packs too. With someone at home say the sound and then the words underneath. Remember to say…

  • The special friends
  • Fred in your head
  • Say the words

Work through this booklet to practice this!

JOTTER CHALLENGE – Open your blue home learning jotter and choose another jotter challenge of your choice. Complete this in your blue jotter.

Writing Challenge!

In your jotter a few of the challenges mention a writing technique called alliteration. This means two words that start with the same letter or sound, for example…

Bouncy Ball
Silver Snake
Blue Boat

Sometimes the first word of alliteration is an adjective. Remember an adjective is a describing word.

Listen to the song below to get some ideas.

Your task for today is to make a sign for your bedroom. Your sign has to include alliteration using an adjective which begins with the same letter of your name, for example… Amazing Andrew’s Room or Brilliant Basil’s Bedroom!

Be creative you can decorate your sign in anyway you like. You can even post a picture of your sign on our class blog for everyone else to see! Have fun, can’t wait to see your designs!

Primary 3 – Tuesday Numeracy Home Learning Task!

Good morning everyone! 🌷🌼

Today on your timetable we have Numeracy, Literacy, ICT and Daily 15.



Yesterday we tried addition to 20 using a number line. Today let’s try addition to 30. You still have a number line to help you. Complete the questions below in your red Maths jotter.


Complete the questions below in your red maths jotter. These questions still have no carrying.  Keep practicing these and we can add in some trickier ones by the end of the week!


Keep practicing addition of 3 digit numbers. Complete the questions below in your red maths jotter.

Sumdog Maths Challenge 

Remember to log in to Sumdog to take part in our class maths challenge. So far our leader board looks like this…

1st – Isla
2nd – Lorena
3rd – Sophie

Don’t worry it doesn’t end until Friday so you have plenty time to join in the fun!

Well done to everyone who has taken part so far!

Again, if you have any questions you can ask them on the Primary 3 blog. I will keep checking this throughout the day!

Good Luck!

Primary 3 – Monday Home Learning Challenge!

Outside just now we can see lots and lots of spring flowers. One flower in particular is super common around Dundee.

This flower is a bright yellow colour and grows just about as tall as your knees! This  is a Daffodil and they look like this…

Next time you are on a walk have a look around and see how many  daffodils you can see. What other flowers did you see? What colours were they? What were the similarities and the differences compared to a daffodil? Note these down in your blue jotter.

Your task is to create a drawing of Spring flowers using just your pencil at first!

Use a pencil to draw the outline of the flowers before adding colour when you have finished!
Pay close attention to what the daffodil looks like. If you are lucky enough to have Spring flowers growing in your garden it might be a nice idea to complete your drawing outside.

If not you can always google some pictures of spring flowers to try and copy or use the helpful guide on how to draw a daffodil below!

 I can’t wait to see all of your lovely spring pictures!

Primary 3 – Monday Home Learning Daily 15, Reading and Newsround!

Daily 15

For todays Daily 15 let’s do some  Go Noodle! I will post some of your favourite below but feel free to choose some of your own too ✨

Milkshake –

Pizza Man –

Cheerleader –

Old Town Road –


Choose a book or use the book from your home learning pack and spend 30 minutes reading. You can read to yourself, someone at home, a pet, a cuddly toy or even have someone read a story to you.


Here is the link for Newsround to save scrolling all the way back for it.

Remember they update their website 3 times per day!

Primary 3 – Monday Literacy Home Learning Task!

Lets start with out daily phonics lesson!

PHONICS – With a person at home use your pencil as your pointing stick and work your way through the speed sound sheet. Remember to challenge yourself and try to say the sounds in a different order.

Each of you have either set 2 or set 3 sounds in your home learning packs too. With someone at home say the sound and then the words underneath. Remember to say…

  • The special friends
  • Fred in your head
  • Say the words

Work through this booklet to practice this!

JOTTER CHALLENGE – Open your blue home learning jotter and choose another jotter challenge of your choice. Complete this in your blue jotter.

SPELLING – In your home learning pack I have given you a sheet with lots of different spelling activities. You can do any one you choose or maybe even one you have thought of yourself. Every Monday I will post a list of 10 spelling words which you can practice using different spelling activities throughout the week.

Remember to choose a star challenge which you think is appropriate for your learning! Additionally, feel free to push yourself on through different levels on the common words section of Doorway! I do realise that some of the 3 star challenge words might be  a bit too easy for some of us this week ✨

Above the stars I have written where these words have come from on Doorway Speller.

For example to practice these words on doorways speller you would follow the link below.

  • Click 1200 common words
  • Then click the part written above your spelling words. eg. 1 star challenge would click 1st hundred then set 3.


Primary 3 – Monday Home Learning Numeracy Task!

Good Morning Primary 3.

I hope you and your families are all well and have stayed safe at home throughout our 2 week break. I know its a little bit different than what we are all used to but remember to be brave, keep smiling and stay positive. We will be back together soon 🙂

Today on your timetable we have Numeracy, Literacy, Daily 15, Reading, Newsround and another Home Learning Challenge!

Remember this timetable is flexible. You do  not have to stick to this rigidly but it can be used as a guide to show you what we would be doing if we were in our classroom!

Board Sums


We need to keep working on our number bonds to 10 and 20 so we can get really quick with addition sums! Before we start our written task today practice the number game below.

Complete the following questions in your red maths jotter. Use the number line in the back of your blue jotter to help you.


It has been a little while since you tried column addition with Mrs Brankin so we are going to give this another go today. Let’s try 2 digit addition with no carrying to begin with! Watch the video below to remind yourself how it is done. I’m sure you’ll be experts again in no time.

After you have watched the video to remind yourself what to do. Give these questions a go in your little red maths jotter.


In the classroom for our board sums we were working with 3 digit addition calculations. We made sure that our answers stayed between 0 and 1000. Today we are going to try to practice this some more!

Remember to make sure you line  up your work by putting numbers in the correct place value columns and you will manage this no problem at all!

I found a little video for you to watch that tries to explain the process through a little song. I have posted it below.

After you have watched the video, give the following addition sums ago in your little red maths jotter.

Sumdog Challenge

I have set up a new Sumdog challenge for us which began today at 6am and ends Friday at 10pm! You can find your log in for this inside the front cover of your blue home learning jotter.I will keep track of how we are doing and let you know through the week!

Remember if you have any questions you can ask them on the Primary 3 blog. I will keep checking this throughout the day!

Good Luck 🤓