All posts by Miss MacDonald

Primary 3 – Final Week of Term!

Good Morning Primary 3!💚

This week there will be no home learning tasks posted on the blog as  I am back in St Ninians preparing for the next school year. If you wish, feel free to catch up on any unfinished tasks from previous blog posts or activities in your home learning packs.

On another note, I cannot believe we are now into the last week of Primary 3,  it is crazy how fast this year has gone by. I feel really lucky  to have been your class teacher this year. You have all made me so proud. Everyone of you are incredible in your own way. You have ALL amazed me each and everyday  with your positive attitude to learning and hard work. It is clear to see just how much you have achieved in such a short space of time.

Keep smiling and believing in yourselves because you CAN  achieve anything you set your mind to! Keep working hard and being the best you can be, you are more than ready for new challenges in primary 4.

Looking forwards to seeing you all again after the summer break.

Lots of love,

Miss Macdonald 💚


Primary 3 – Wednesday’s Virtual Classroom!

Hello everyone!

Click the link below to access today’s virtual classroom!

Virtual Classroom – Wednesday Week 1

Today we have links for maths, literacy, a home learning challenge, a song and our daily 15.

Again the the link to RWI hasn’t worked but you can access this via the link below.

Have fun and remember if you have any questions I will be available on the Primary 3 blog. 😀


Primary 3 – Monday’s Virtual Classroom!

Good Morning! 💓

Happy Monday 🎉

Here is our virtual classroom for today, lots of different links to follow and fun activities to complete. 📚

Keep working hard P3, you are all doing amazingly well and have impressed me with all of your hard work every single day since the school had to close. You should be very proud of yourselves. 🌟🏆🥇

Follow the link below to access today’s classroom.📝

Virtual Classroom Week 1 Day 1

Primary 3 – Little Update For This Week!

Hi Everyone!💕

I hope you have all had a nice weekend. 🌟

I am working in the Tayview CSC hub this week so will not be able to post on the blog as much as usual. However, I will still be available on the P3 blog if you have any questions or have anything you want to share. It has been so nice to hear what you have all been up to. 😁

Also I know we have been working from home for a while and you  might feel a little bit bored of accessing your school work in the same way every single day. So I have tried to make it a little bit more exciting and have made our very own virtual classroom. It’s not exactly the same as the classroom we are used too but you might notice a few similarities (Cocoa Bean has even become a virtual teddy bear too)! 😁❤️

Let me know what you think and if it works okay we can try and use this format again next week! 🎉

Click the link below to access the classroom.

Virtual Classroom 1

To access your Maths activities click on the blue words and then your groups shape to take you to your numeracy tasks and for your literacy task click on the teddy bear!

This week keep working through any unfinished tasks or ideas on last weeks post. There are lots of helpful links to work through on the previous posts ☺️

On Friday Mr McCormack has kindly offered to post on our blog with some fun sports day activities. Good Luck!! 🏃🏽⚽️

Don’t worry if you don’t get everything completed, you can only do your best. Try to squeeze in some maths and literacy each day to keep your brain active 📚🎉

Have a great week  and remember any questions I’m still here to help.💕

Love Miss Macdonald 🌟