Primary 3 – Monday Home Learning Numeracy Task!

Good Morning Primary 3!

It’s Monday again, I hope you had a nice weekend. Today on your timetable we have Numeracy, Literacy, Daily 15, Reading, Newsround and another Home Learning Challenge!

Board Sums

Triangles and Squares in your boards sums this week I am going to include a multiplication sum and a division sum too. This will give you the opportunity to practice these skills as we haven’t used these for  a little while. Remember you can draw arrays or use sharing circles to help you answer these.


Last time we did lots of addition to 30 problems. We had to add two numbers together using a number line or Numicon to work out the answer. We already know that adding gives us more of something, but when we subtract what happens?

Watch the video below to find out!

Let’s try subtraction problems on a number line. Complete the task below in your red maths jotter.

Here is a link to a game you can use to practice your subtraction.

You can choose to click on subtraction to 10, 20 or 30.

Triangles and Squares

Today we are going to work on subtraction. Now remember subtraction is the opposite of addition.

Today we are going to practice double digit subtraction. It has been a little while since we did this together in class or in a group with Mrs Brankin. Watch the video below to help remind yourself of what to do.

Give these questions a go in your red maths jotter.

Here is a link to a game you can use to practice your subtraction.

Sumdog Challenge

Well done to everyone who took part in last weeks challenge!

I have set up a new Sumdog challenge for us which began today at 6am and ends Friday at 10pm!

You can find your log in for this inside the front cover of your blue home learning jotter. I will keep track of how we are doing and let you know through the week!

Remember if you have any questions you can ask them on the Primary 3 blog. I will keep checking this throughout the day!

Good Luck 🤓

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