Primary 3 – Monday Home Learning Challenge!

Outside just now we can see lots and lots of spring flowers. One flower in particular is super common around Dundee.

This flower is a bright yellow colour and grows just about as tall as your knees! This  is a Daffodil and they look like this…

Next time you are on a walk have a look around and see how many  daffodils you can see. What other flowers did you see? What colours were they? What were the similarities and the differences compared to a daffodil? Note these down in your blue jotter.

Your task is to create a drawing of Spring flowers using just your pencil at first!

Use a pencil to draw the outline of the flowers before adding colour when you have finished!
Pay close attention to what the daffodil looks like. If you are lucky enough to have Spring flowers growing in your garden it might be a nice idea to complete your drawing outside.

If not you can always google some pictures of spring flowers to try and copy or use the helpful guide on how to draw a daffodil below!

 I can’t wait to see all of your lovely spring pictures!

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