Good morning everyone! 🙂
I hope you all had a lovely weekend and are enjoying the sunny weather we have been having.
This week you will be working independently.
I will still be available on the P3 blog to answer any questions you may have! It has been great hearing about what you have all been up to and seeing all your fantastic pictures 🙂
Some ideas for independent work could be:
- Spelling activities from your spelling challenge grid. You can use spelling words from previous weeks or visit doorway speller to challenge yourself with harder levels.
- Visit the P3 blog and write your own blog post.
- Write a letter to someone you have not been able to see during lockdown.
- Read a book outdoors, remember your suncream.
- Play some Sumdog. I have set up a Sumdog Challenge which starts tomorrow at 8am and finishes on Friday at 9pm. I will post updates on this through the week.
- TIMES TABLES! It is so important to learn your times tables.
- Circles – Keep practicing the 2x table. Triangles – You should be quite familiar with the 2,3,4,5 and 10 times tables. Squares – If you feel comfortable with the 2,3,4,5 and 10 times table! Challenge yourself with the 6 times table.
- Do some painting with water! This is always fun. Take a paintbrush (if you have one, if not you can use your fingers), some water in a bowl or cup and head outside. Use your paintbrush or fingers to paint a picture using just water 😀
- Find lots of leaves, sticks and twigs at the park or in your garden. Can you use these to make a Summer picture.
Home Learning Packs
- Play the phonics games from your learning pack.
- Take some time to check through your home learning pack and complete some activities you haven’t had time to do.
- Comic Kids yoga, go noodle and just dance are some fun activities you could do.
- Practice a sport you enjoy! Practice makes perfect 🙂
- Go for a walk with your family.
Some more ideas…
- Make your own ice lollies using diluted juice, lollipop sticks and a freezer. If you like you could even add some more ingredients like fresh fruit or yogurt.
- Plant some seeds and take care of them as they grow.
Challenge Calendar
Here is this weeks challenge calendar! I think Ice Cream Day might be my favourite! 💕🍦
Have a lovely week, I will post some helpful links for you to visit too 😀