Lets start with out daily phonics lesson!
Remember the RWI youtube channel has lessons for children to follow along at home. These will be live Monday – Friday at the times listed below. Each sound workbook in your home learning pack will tell you at the top what set of sounds you are working on.
Set 2 Speed Sounds at 10am and again at 1pm
Set 3 Speed Sounds at 10.30am and again at 1.30pm
PHONICS – With a person at home use your pencil as your pointing stick and work your way through the speed sound sheet. Remember to challenge yourself and try to say the sounds in a different order.
Each of you have either set 2 or set 3 sounds in your home learning packs too. With someone at home say the sound and then the words underneath. Remember to say…
- The special friends
- Fred in your head
- Say the words
Work through this booklet to practice this!
JOTTER CHALLENGE – Open your blue home learning jotter and choose another jotter challenge of your choice. Complete this in your blue jotter.
SPELLING -Use your spelling sheet from your home learning pack and choose an activity of your choice.
Remember to choose a star challenge which you think is appropriate for your learning! Additionally, feel free to push yourself on through different levels on the common words section of Doorway!
Above the stars I have written where these words have come from on Doorway Speller.For example to practice these words on doorways speller you would follow the link below.
- Click 1200 common words
- Then click the part written above your spelling words. eg. 1 star challenge would click 1st hundred then set 6.