Primary 3 – Sumdog Challenge!

Sumdog Challenge

I have set up a new Sumdog challenge for us which began today at 6am and ends Friday at 10pm! You can find your log in for this inside the front cover of your blue home learning jotter.I will keep track of how we are doing and let you know through the week!

Hopefully we have no Sumdog problems this week! ✨

Remember if you have any questions you can ask them on the Primary 3 blog. I will keep checking this throughout the day!

Good Luck 🤓

Primary 3 – Spelling Words for Week Beginning 11th May!

SPELLING -Use your spelling sheet from your home learning pack and choose an  activity of your choice.

Remember to choose a star challenge which you think is appropriate for your learning! Additionally, feel free to push yourself on through different levels on the common words section of Doorway!

Above the stars I have written where these words have come from on Doorway Speller.

For example to practice these words on doorways speller you would follow the link below.

  • Click 1200 common words
  • Then click the part written above your spelling words. eg. 1 star challenge would click 1st hundred then set 7.

Primary 3 – Challenge Calendar!

Good Morning Primary 3!

I hope you all had a lovely long weekend. It is nice to take a break from school work and spend some quality time with your families. You can tell me what you have been up to on our P3 Blog! 🤩

This week I am working in the Tayview Community Hub so will have less time to post school work on the blog. Although, if I find anything that might be useful I will post it for you to have a look at!

Remember you are in charge of your learning this week. It is up to you  how to manage tasks and activities and decide what skills you want to practice! Have a look through previous blog posts and see if there are any activities you want to start, repeat or you can even take time to make up your own activities!

Pretend to be the teacher this week! Teach someone else in your family something new or maybe even take time to train a pet!

Have fun but remember we are still learning!

Your challenge calendar for the week is posted below and spelling words and a Sumdog challenge will be posted today!

Good luck and keep working hard!

Lots of Love

Miss Macdonald ✨

Primary 3 – Thursday Home Learning Challenge!

Today is the big day!

The last day to prepare for our Movie Night Extravaganza!

Movie  – Done

Poster – Done

Summary – Done

Tickets – Done

Snacks –  STILL TO DO!

Set up – STILL TO DO!

We had better get started on the finishing touches!!

Lets start with snacks…

  • Prepare some special snacks for the movie (you might need help from a grown up for this one)
  • Next, lets set up the movie area! Remember to try and make it dark and cosy 🙂


  • Ask the customers for their tickets and show them to their seats. If  it is too dark you could always use a torch to point out their seat to them!
  • Share snacks with customers.

Snuggle up and press play! Have fun!

PS. Remember we won’t have any tasks on the blog tomorrow as it is a bank holiday. Perfect night to stay up late and watch movies 😀

Have a lovely weekend, missing you all!

Family Movie Night Clipart

Primary 3 – Thursday Home Learning Literacy Task!

PHONICS – With a person at home use your pencil as your pointing stick and work your way through the speed sound sheet. Remember to challenge yourself and try to say the sounds in a different order.
Each of you have either set 2 or set 3 sounds in your home learning packs too. With someone at home say the sound and then the words underneath. Remember to say…

  • The special friends
  • Fred in your head
  • Say the words

Work through this booklet to practice this!

JOTTER CHALLENGE – Open your blue home learning jotter and choose another jotter challenge of your choice. Complete this in your blue jotter.

Writing Task

Stick with the level of star challenge you worked on yesterday.

1 Star

Follow the link below to take you to the ‘Sidney Spider – A Tale of Friendship‘ literacy booklet.

For today’s task…

Complete Sidney’s next task and read the story again if you need too. This is pictured below.

2 Star

Access ‘The Magical Teaching Box’ by following the link below.

For today’s task…

Complete the activity below.

3 Star

You can access ‘The Truth about Trolls’ story and activities below

Remember to ask an adult for help if you need to 🙂

Today’s Task…

Make an informative  poster about trolls.  This is a poster that give the reader extra information about Trolls.

Make sure…

  • You have included a picture of your troll.
  • You have used at least 3 sentences to describe your troll. (HINT – USE ADJECTIVES)
  • Write 3 extra sentences on your poster to give the reader some information about your troll. Use ADVERBS at the beginning of each of these sentences.

If you want to share your poster remember you can do this on the P3 Blog 😀

Remember if you have any questions feel free to ask on the P3 Blog and I will be able to help you! 😀

Primary 3 – Thursday Home Learning Numeracy Task!

Good Morning Everyone!

Today on our timetable you have Numeracy, Literacy, Reading, Newsround, Daily 15 and a Home Learning Challenge! 🌈✨



Can you complete the 2 times table wheel?
Remember the 2 times table you are ‘doubling each time’. It could also be repeated addition for example… 2 x 3 =6, double 3 is 6 and 3+3 =6.

Good Luck!

Keep practicing counting in 2’s and your 2 times table on the website below!

Triangles and Squares

Let’s have a go at some fact families.

Inside the triangles there are 3 numbers. Your challenge is to use these numbers to fill in 4 different multiplication and division sums (2 multiplication and 2 division).

You can use arrays or times tables  to check your answers!

Sumdog Challenge

Well done to everyone who has taken part in the Sumdog Challenge so far.

The leaderboard looks like this…

1st – Callum
2nd –Ruby
3rd –Lorena

4th – Isla

5th – Millie

6th – Lennox

7th – Sophie

8th – Jessica

9th – Aoife

You can find your log in inside the front cover of your blue home learning jotter.

Good Luck 🎉

Primary 3 – Wednesday Home Learning Challenge!

Your Movie Night should be coming along nicely.

You should have chosen a film and created posters to tell your family the place, time, location and maybe even a little summary of the film.

Today our task is to create tickets for those in your family that wish to attend.

Make sure you have included the date and time for your movie night!

Be creative 🙂

You can even share your tickets on the P3 blog when you are finished.

Free Movie Night Cliparts, Download Free Clip Art, Free Clip Art ...