Primary 3 – Sumdog Challenge Winner!

Well done everyone!

This weeks winner is Millie who managed to answer an amazing 968 questions.

This weeks competition was VERY close!

I am so impressed by the work each of you put in to the challenge every week.

If you were on this weeks leader board log in to your Sumdog account and I might have sent you a coin reward!

Have fun and keep working hard!

Love Miss Macdonald 🙂

2 thoughts on “Primary 3 – Sumdog Challenge Winner!”

  1. Thank you Miss Macdonald how are you? I was helping my daddy paint wood yesterday. I hope I see you soon. Xxx

    1. Hi Ruby! Great to hear from you, I am good thank you how are you? That is lovely, I bet your Dad loved having a little helper, sounds like a fun job too! Hopefully see you soon when things are back to normal. Love from Miss Macdonald x

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