Primary 3 – Wednesday Home Learning Numeracy Task!

Good morning everyone.

Today on your timetable we have Numeracy, Literacy, Daily 15, Reading, Newsround and another Home Learning Challenge. 😀



We have been looking at multiplying by 2 (which really means to double something).

Today we are going to look at dividing  by 2 (which really means to half something equally).

The video link below will help to explain this to you…

Give this activity below a go in your red jotter. If you need any help I’ll be on the P3 blog to answer any questions.

For extra practice with your times tables, you can go on to and click on 2 times tables. To access this follow the link below.

Triangles and Squares

Let’s try some word problems today! Use arrays  or your number square to try and solve the word problems below.

For extra times tables practice follow the link below.

So far we have worked on the 2,3,4,5 and 10 times tables but feel free to push yourself and try some different ones 🙂

Sumdog Challenge

Well done to everyone who has joined in with our Sumdog Challenge this week. So far the leader board looks like this…

1st –Callum
2nd – Ruby
3rd –Lorena

4th – Jessica

5th – Aoife

There is still lots of time to join in the competition. Your log in is in the front cover of your blue jotter. To log in follow the link below…

Good Luck 😀

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