Primary 3 – Thursday Home Learning Numeracy Task!

Good Morning Everyone!
I hope you are having a good week!

Today on our timetable you have Numeracy, Literacy, Reading, Newsround, Daily 15 and a Home Learning Challenge!

Remember this is a rough guide as to what we would be doing in the classroom. You don’t have to follow this completely but activities will be posted on the blog accordingly. 🌈✨



I hope you managed to work out the fact families for the number triangle questions yesterday! Today we are going to try a few more. Remember to look back at the example on yesterday’s post to help you.

Triangles and Squares

Let’s practice a little bit more of what we did yesterday! However, be careful because this time it’s reversed.

This time we are going to do a subtraction sun and check it with an addition sum.

Remeber if you need any help I’ll be on the p3 blog to help you with anything you need.

Sumdog Challenge

Well done to everyone who has taken part in the Sumdog Challenge so far.

The leaderboard looks like this…

1st – Millie

2nd – Andrew

3rd -Lorena

4th – Lennox

5th – Sophie

6th – William

7th – Eva

8th – Jessica

The scores are soooo close this week!

I am so impressed by the effort each of you are putting into this challenge each week. Great work primary 3!

You can find your log in inside the front cover of your blue home learning jotter.

Good Luck 🎉

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