Primary 3 – Tuesday ICT Home Learning!

We have been using our coding skills to help us write special instructions that are easy for both people and computers to follow!

Today it is our job to help the messy pirate reach the treasure!  To do this we have to make sure we are starting on the square that says “Start”. From here think of a simple code you can give to the pirate to reach each item of treasure on the picture.

You can either write the code like we did last time for the dog task or you can draw pictures similar to what is done in the questions below!

For our ICT Task next week this game might be quite helpful.

Next week we are going to begin writing codes on the computer. This game is a helpful start point for you.

It is important to connect the small boxes together to create the code to help the puppy! Give it a go. Remember this is only a starting point for next weeks task so don’t worry if you find it tricky 🙂

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