Primary 3 – Week Beginning 20th April Home Learning!

Good Morning Everyone!

I hope you all had a lovely weekend.

I am missing you all lots and I can’t wait to hear all of your stories when we eventually go back to school. I am sure you will be just as excited to share these with your friends and myself too! Remember to stay positive, keep smiling and be brave, things will be back to normal soon and you will have done your best to keep yourself safe and everyone else safe at home too.

I know things are very unusual just now and it might be difficult to understand exactly why, but I found a little story which might help explain things to you!

This weeks learning will be a little bit different as I am working in the Tayside Community Hub. This means it will be trickier to post as  much as usual on the blog throughout the week. I will still try to be available to answer any questions you might have and will be looking on our P3 blog to read through all of your fantastic posts.

Now its your turn to take control of your learning…

This week its up to you to decide how you are going to manage your learning.

  • Take this week to look through all of the previous home learning tasks I have posted on the blog  and complete tasks you haven’t completed already.
  • You can choose activities from your home learning packs to complete too. There are lots of activities and worksheets you might not have had the chance to look at yet.
  • READ, READ, READ! Remeber what we said… reading is the best excercise you can do for your brain! Read a book to someone else or have someone at home read to you.
  • Keep practicing your times tables too! Remember circles you have been practicing counting in 2s and your 2 times tables. Triangles and Squares we have looked at 2,3,4,5 and 10 times tables! Keep practicing!
  • Stay active! Go for your daily walk with someone at home or if you can’t get outside for a little while invent your own game and teach it to someone at home. Our Daily 15 activities are on the blog for you to do too!

Throughout the week I will post any links I think might be helpful or fun for you to do too!

Keep smiling and working hard!

Love Miss Macdonald ✨🤗


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